37. Hospitalized

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 "Just relax," Severus commanded. His tone was firm, but he knew that if they didn't relax, they would both be squeezed to death by the Devil's Snare plant they had just fallen on.

"Relax?" Alaina repeated. "I have a plant trying it's best to squeeze the life out of me and you want me to relax?"

"Yes," he said calmly. "If you don't it will kill you."

Her whole body was shaking. Despite the fact that she wanted to wriggle, she decided to take Severus's advice. He fell through the plant to the floor below and she followed soon after, hitting the floor with a thud.

"Ow," she complained. Severus helped her up off the floor. "Who's big bright idea was that?"

Severus smiled. "Professor Sprout no doubt. Come on. We have lots more to go through." He took her hand and led her to the next room.

He and Alaina went through it with no problem. It was Severus's enchantment after all. He knew just what potions to drink and which ones to leave alone. They were about to go through the door to the next one when the door burst open, nearly knocking the both of them over. Alaina gasped and so did Hermione. She was dragging Ron through the door. Alaina moved to help her.

"Quickly!" Hermoione said. "The keys!"

Alaina pulled Ron in and Hermione shut the door just before the keys attacked it on the other side. Alaina's eyes widened.

"Where is Mr. Potter?" Severus asked.

Alaina was wondering the exact same thing. She studied Hermione anxiously. She seemed a little nervous.

"Er, Harry went on."

"What do you mean?" Severus demanded.

"H-He went on to try and get the stone."

"What?" Alaina said in disbelief. "Why would he even be down here?"

"McGonagall wouldn't listen to us," Hermione said. She kneeled down on the floor beside of Ron. "We knew someone was going to try and steal it."

"You could have come to me, Hermione. I can't believe that Harry wouldn't come to me."

"I don't think he thought of it actually."

Severus stayed silent. He bent down and examined Ron, then woke him up with the same spell that he used on Alaina. Hermione hugged him the moment he rose upright.

"Thank you, Professor Snape!" Hermione exclaimed.

"You need to get him to the Hospital Wing. Do you think you can manage that, Ms. Granger?" Severus asked rudely.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Get Weasley checked out and then go back to your dormitory. Professor Evans and I are going to go on and make sure Potter is okay."

She nodded. Alaina smiled at her and Ron.

"Take care of each other," she whispered.

"We will," Hermione promised.

Ron asked her what happened on the way out, but Alaina didn't get to hear her answer. She turned to Severus, who was strangely silent. He glanced up at her.

"You're worried, aren't you?" Alaina asked.

Severus sighed. "He should have come to you. Or...me. He should have-"

She smiled. "Harry is very curious and head strong. He's got a lot of pride. I'd say that's why he didn't come to either of us. I just hope nothing awful has happened to him."

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