87. The Stag

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 Sirius moaned and groaned. The wolf had knicked him pretty good. It broke the skin in a lot of places, but none was as bad as the wound in his abdomen. It was bleeding heavily, and it was painful. He held his hand tightly over it, putting as much pressure as he could muster on the wound. If he didn't, he feared he might bleed to death.

He gazed up the hill he had just traveled down, half walking, half stumbling. Up on his own two legs agian, it felt strange to be staring at Lupin from such a distance, knowing he should be up there protecting his friends and family. Lupin was closing in on Alaina and the kids. He couldn't see Severus anywhere. Alaina was trying to do something with her hands, but from the looks of it, it wasn't working. If something wasn't done quickly, Lupin would kill them all. Not intentionally, but it would happen, and he knew just how to stop it.

Sirius cupped his hands over his mouth and mimicked the howl of the wolf. He knew it would bring Lupin to him, and hopefully prevent him from hurting anyone. Lupin looked over the embankment the moment the sound came out of Sirius's mouth. In that moment, he knew the diversion tactic had worked. Lupin growled and sprinted right for him.

The call had caught Harry's attention too, and his heart caught in his throat. As soon as he turned in the direction it came from, he spotted Sirius running in the other direction, his white and black striped clothes making him a bullseye in the light of the full moon. He glanced at Hermione. She was frightened and Ron's expression was the same. Suddenly, a loud cry came from the depths of the forest, grabbing his attention once more. His heart pounded hard in his chest. He couldn't stand there any longer.

"Sirius," he whispered. Before anyone could stop him, he ran into the forest.

"Harry!" Hermione and Alaina shouted in unison.

Hermione put Ron down on the ground. He was safe now. Her plan was to follow him, but Alaina grabbed her arm before she could get away.

"No, Hermione," she warned her. "It's too dangerous. Besides, Severus is hurt. You have to stay with Ron while I make sure he's alright."

Hermione let out an exasperated sigh. She didn't like it, but she sat down beside of Ron anyway. She knew Harry was very good at magic and that he would probably be just fine, but it still made her worry. Why was he always running toward danger?

Alaina made sure Peter was still out cold and then her eyes fell on the large heap just feet away from her. She ran over to Severus's motionless form, immediately hit her knees, and began to assess the situation. She gently rolled him over on his back. His eyes were closed and his face was pale. Alaina quickly laid her ear over his heart, praying that it was still beating. A sigh of relief escaped her the moment she heard it. He was alive. She moved his hair away from his eyes. The night air was cold and so were his cheeks. She had to get him somewhere comfortable and warm, and quickly. She bent down lower to run her fingers through his hair, and to let him know that she was with him. That's when she drew in a sharp breath.

Her hand touched something on the side he had landed on, something that she hadn't noticed before. It was dark and sticky. Alaina gulped as she pulled her hand back to examine it. Her heart plummeted when she saw the crimson substance clinging to her fingers. There was no mistaking it. It was blood. Severus had hit his head on something.

Alaina pulled him closer to her and there it was. His long black hair had been covering it: a rock stuck about two inches out of the ground. Panicked, she shook Severus lightly.

"Severus, wake up," she pleaded urgently. "Please wake up." She knew that if he opened his eyes then she would know he at least had a chance of surviving, of fighting, but if he remained unconscious it was unclear.

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