82. Seeing the Impossible

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 It wasn't long before the holidays were over and the students were due back at school. Harry had gone to Hogsmeade with Alaina the day before they were to come back to get Hermione and Ron each a gift. He couldn't wait to see the both of them and to show them his Firebolt. Hermione probably wouldn't care much about it, but he knew Ron would be just as excited as he was. He was waiting for them when they got off the train. Alaina and Severus had allowed him to go alone only because the both of them were standing not too far off. Ron and Hermione got off together.

"Hermione! Ron!" Harry called them.

They both looked in his direction simultaneously and grinned. Hermione ran up to him immediately and threw her arms around his neck.

"I missed you," she breathed.

Harry grinned. "I missed you too." He pulled a small box out of his pocket. "I got you something."

Hermione took it into her hands. While she was opening it, Harry got a handshake from Ron. He really wasn't much for hugging. Then he watched Hermione's eyes light up.

"Wow. It's beautiful!" It was a bracelet made of pearls. She put it on immediatlely. "Where did you get it?"

Harry smiled. "Hogsmeade. There's a jewelry shop just outside the village. Mum took me." He turned to Ron. "I have something for you as well." He walked over to the bench by the train and grabbed the box that was there. He handed it to him.

Ron tore into the box like a wild animal. Harry always seemed to know just what to get him. His eyes stretched when he saw what was inside. It was a box full of stuff from Zonkos and a little bit of candy. He couldn't have been more happy.

"Thanks, Harry. I really needed that."

The three of them started talking. Hermione started by telling them about her holiday and then Ron went on about Christmas dinner and the pranks Fred and George kept playing on him.

"So," Ron said, "anything new with you?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, actually. I got a new broomstick."

"Great. Who got it for you?"

He frowned. "That's just it. I have no idea. Mum and Snape checked it for curses."

Hermoine and Ron both stared at him like he had spoken in French or something. Harry proceeded to go into detail about the events that had transpired while they were away ending with him telling Alaina and Severus about the black dog.

"Merlin, Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "Ron and I missed all the excitement."

He smiled. "Yes, you did."

"I just want to take a turn on that broom," Ron told him.

"Sure. I've been riding it since Snape gave it back to me. We'll go out to the Quidditch pitch later if you want."

"I'd love that."

"I'll come to," Hermione volunteered. "I can always use the time to get caught up on my reading."

Harry and Ron both laughed at her. She was defensive about it at first, but then she broke into a smile as well. They walked together, talking about other things as they walked up to the castle. Alaina and Severus followed close behind them holding hands and keeping watch. They followed him all the way inside and then stopped off at the Dungeons. At least inside the castle he was presumably safe.

"I have to stop worrying about him so much," Alaina said. She squeezed Severus's hand lightly as they walked down the stairs toward his office. "I'm giving myself gray hair."

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