84. The Whomping Willow

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 Winter gave way to spring and the sun started to come out more and more, warming up the castle grounds. The search for Peter Pettigrew had darkened. No one had seen or heard from Ron's rat in months. Alaina's theory was that he had gone when he heard they had figured it out and that he was back at Voldemort's side now. They would never be able to catch him.

Things at the Ministry were in an uproar. Dumbledore had tried hard to convince Cornelius Fudge that Peter Pettigrew was alive and that Sirius was an innocent man. The Minister of Magic wouldn't hear of it. He was just as adamant in denying that as he was the fact that Voldemort was back. Albus had never succeeded once in getting the man to listen to reason.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione had taken to devoting themselves to their classes. They still hadn't figured out why the search of Harry and Ron's room had taken place and they tired of trying to guess. It didn't seem possible that it might be something they could research, so that was completely out. Lately they hadn't really thought much about it. Their main concern at the moment was school and getting through it. Harry and Ron was a little worried about Hermione though. She seemed to be grumpy and frustrated all of the time and she was falling asleep in the oddest places. It seemed that she was constantly exhausted and they had no idea why.

"Hermione," Harry whispered.

The three of them had been sitting in the common room one evening after classes. They had all agreed to just chill out and rest. By some miracle, not one of them had anything they had to do, homework included. Hermione had fallen asleep against the side of the arm of the couch and she looked extremely uncomfortable hunched over like she was. Harry shook her gently.

"Hermione," he whispered again.

She stirred a little, but she didn't move. Harry sighed. He didn't want to have to yell at her or anything.

"Maybe you should just pick her up and move her," Ron suggested. "Seems like it would be easier. That's what Mum would always do when Ginny-"

Harry looked up at the mention of her name. He hadn't heard it in such a long time. Ron's face reddened.

"I'm always doing that," he confessed, "mentioning her like that. It drives Mum crazy."

Harry smiled sympathetically. "It doesn't bother me, mate. She was a friend to me. I know you're bound to miss your only sister."

"I do. A lot sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if she would have lived if things would have been different. Fred and George seem the same, but Mum and Dad are different. They fight a lot. But I don't think it's because of Ginny. I think it's because of Voldemort. The Order isn't having much luck in convincing people. It's just too soon."

He nodded. "I know what you mean. It is too soon. I only wish I had been able to stop him. Maybe Ginny would be alive and things wouldn't be so chaotic."

Ron laughed. "Things are always going to be chaotic, mate. That's just your life."

Harry smiled. "I guess so. I reckon I should be used to it by now." He reached over and gathered Hermione up in his arms. She had been sitting beside of him when she fell over, so he just sat her back up. Her head rested against his shoulder now and he put his arm around her to secure the position.

"There," Ron said. "That's better. Wake her up."

"What?" Harry said. "I just-"

"I want to go for a walk or something and I don't want to go by myself. We can't leave Hermione here alone asleep, so wake her up."

Harry shook his head. "Sometimes you beat all, Ron," he said with a chuckle. He turned to Hermione and moved her hair from around her face. "Hermione," he said loudly, "wake up."

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