16. The Hogwarts Express

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Harry was up bright and early the next morning.  He made breakfast and served it to Alaina in bed.  She was so speechless and touched she could barely muster a 'thank you'.  That is, until she figured out his motive.  He wanted to get to school so bad he couldn't sleep, which he confessed once she finished eating.  

"Well, don't worry," Alaina told him, letting a small yawn escape her, "we will get going just as soon as I can get ready.  The Hogwarts Express leaves at exactly eleven o'clock.  It's eight now, so it gives us two hours to get ready and get there and then one hour for me to say goodbye."

"Mum," Harry said, shaking his head.  "You're going with me."

"Right.  I suppose I am.  I was only joking, Harry.  Are you all packed?"

"Yes.  I finished when I first got up this morning."

"Good.  Now do one more thing for me.  Takes these dirty dishes downstairs and clean up the mess I know is there."  He suddenly looked guilty.  He always made a mess when he decided to cook himself.  "And then I should be ready by then."

"Okay," he agreed hastily.  Harry gathered up the dishes and lugged them all downstairs to the kitchen.

Alaina threw the covers off of herself and got out of bed.  She stretched as far as her body would let her and then she headed off to the showers.  With the help of a little magic, she was ready in a matter of minutes.  She dried her hair the Muggle way.  By the time she got downstairs, Harry was knee deep in suds.  He looked up at her innocently.

"I think I put a little too much dish liquid," he said sheepishly.

"A bit," she agreed with a chuckle.

Alaina took out her wand and gave it a wave.  Everything was cleaned up in just a few seconds.  Harry looked up at her as she tucked her wand back into it's holster on her leg.  She gave him a you-should-know-better look.  He simply smiled at her.

"I love magic, Mum.  I want to be able to do that some day."

She couldn't help but laugh.  "And you will.  You just have to study really hard.  Now go upstairs and get cleaned up again.  Then we should be ready to go."

Harry took off running up the stairs.  He was back down in just twenty minutes, dragging his school trunk behind him.  In this length of time, Alaina had packed a trunk of her own.  She packed a few of her favorite dresses.  She assumed she could wear them.  After all, Dumbledore hadn't mentioned anything about a specific uniform she had to wear.

She and Harry left the house a little later.  It took them a long time to get to the train station.  The traffic was unbelievable.  When they were out of the car and on their way to the ticket office, Harry could barely keep his excitement contained, but not once did he wander too far from Alaina.  If she had taught him anything over the years, it was that he had to stay close to her when they were out.  Danger could always be lurking in any corner or dark shadow.  She hadn't wanted him to be paranoid, just cautious.

"Do you think the kids will know me like the adults do?" Harry asked after they'd gotten their tickets.

Alaina smiled.  "Of course they will."

Harry seemed disappointed by this news.  "They're going to think I'm some sort of freak."

"No, of course not.  Besides, let them think what they want."  She bent down close to him.  "We both know it isn't true."

He smiled.  "Thanks for that."

"You're welcome."

"What platform do we have to go to?"

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