54. Christmas Revelations

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 Harry didn't have to worry about Dumbledore being angry. The talk he had with him in his office was calm and light-hearted. Hagrid came bursting in to say that Harry hadn't done anything wrong and that he was prepared to swear it in front of the Ministry of Magic, but it hadn't been necessary. Dumbledore said he didn't believe that Harry had done anything wrong. He told him a story about Fawkes, the phoenix and about some of the bird's abilities, but that was it. He then sent Harry on his way back to his common room. It was a huge relief that the Headmaster didn't suspect him. At least he might be able to get some sleep.

When he got inside the portrait though, half the house seemed to be sitting up and talking. They all hushed when he walked into the room and he knew that they had been talking about him. Harry ignored them and ran up the stairs to his dormitory. He just wanted to get away.

For the next few days, hardly anyone talked to him. If they even so much as brushed up against him or ran into him they were apologizing all over themselves. One girl even cried and begged him not to make her next on his hitlist. Harry promised her he wouldn't and ducked into the nearest hole big enough for him to fit through so he could hide. He waited until the halls were completely empty before he continued on to his classes.

Ron and Hermione greeted him when he sat down, but Harry didn't even acknowledge them. He was mad at them too for some reason. Probably because he was mad at the world for the moment. People were afraid of him, almost like he was Voldemort's son or something or his rival. The only thing was, the more he heard people saying it, the more he was actually starting to believe it a little. It made sense. What if that was why Voldemort had wanted to kill him in the first place? What if he didn't want someone as evil as him running around? Harry thought about it for three days, practically driving himself crazy.

On Christmas Eve, it started to snow heavily. Harry felt more alone than ever. He didn't want to bother his mother and Snape with his problems. They would only tell him that it was all going to be okay and he could see that it wasn't. He was fully dressed and walking back to Gryffindor Tower from a study session in the library when he came face to face with Ron and Hermione. Harry stopped dead in his tracks. He didn't want to have anything to do with either of them, with anybody really. He turned around and attempted to leave, but Fred and George were there blocking his way. He sighed heavily.

"Let me through, guys," Harry told them.

"No," they said in unison. "We've had to hear our brother whining for days now about you not talking to him."

"I just want to be left alone."

"Why?" Fred asked. "Because you're a seriously evil wizard?"

"Are you afraid you're going to kill us all?" George poked.

Harry frowned. "Very funny, guys."

"We were just trying to stall you, mate," Fred told him. Suddenly Fred and George stepped out of the way and Ron and Hermione took their places."

"Don't get near him everybody!" George announced. "He'll petrify you!"

Harry shook his head.

Ron placed a hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Don't worry, Harry. Fred and George are just fooling around. They think it's hilarious."

"They're the only ones," Harry said.

"Well I personally think it's ridiculous, Harry," Hermione told him. "You are not the heir of Slytherin."

He glanced to the side and then back at her. "Is that why the two of you have been avoiding me for almost a week now?"

"We haven't been avoiding you," Ron said. "We've just had a lot of work to do so our Christmas could be clear." He stepped in closer and dropped his voice to a whisper. "Tomorrow is when the potion will be ready. Then we can turn into Crabbe and Goyle and find out about Malfoy."

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