59. Reborn

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 Severus sighed loudly, exasperated. He and Ron had been working tirelessly to move the rock that had fallen. Ron explained what happened with Lockhart as they worked. Lockhart still hadn't woke up yet.

"Stop," Severus commanded suddenly.

Ron stopped what he was doing. There was a hole big enough for them to get through on the far side. Severus had given up moving it with his wand because it just caused more rocks to fall. Moving it with his hands was much more careful.

"We've gotten enough out of the way to get through."

"Now we can go help Harry!" Ron exclaimed.

"Not you, Mr. Weasley. It's too dangerous. I'll go alone. You stay here with Lockhart." Ron nodded. He exhaled slowly, his eyes burning into Ron's. "And if something should happen that neither Harry or I return, please make sure-" He took another deep breath. It was obvious that it was difficult for him to say. "Please make sure that Alaina knows I tried to keep him safe, that we both love her." He walked away, slipping through the crack he and Ron had made. He didn't wait to see Ron's reaction to his words.

"Good luck, Professor!" Ron called. He frowned. He had never seen this side of Professor Snape before. He had been completely wrong about him. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. He went back to moving rock. At least that would keep him busy until someone returned.

Severus walked through the tunnels until he found the door with the snakes on it. He tried to open it, but it seemed to be locked. He knew Harry was just beyond it. He had to be and he had to get in there. If anything happened to him, he would never be able to forgive himself. He felt helpless as he tried once again to open the door in front of him.

~ * ~

"You," Harry declared accusingly. "You're the heir of Slytherin. You're...Voldemort."

"Surely you didn't think I was going to keep my filthy Muggle father's name," Tom Riddle spat. "No. I fashioned myself a new name, one I knew one day wizards everywhere would fear to speak when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world."

"Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world!"

He smiled wickedly. "Dumbledore has been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me."

"He'll never be gone!" Harry shouted. "Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him."

Suddenly a loud screeching noise rang out from above them. Harry looked up and his eyes illuminated with wonder. He had no idea how the phoenix, with it's flaming red and orange feathers, had gotten into the chamber, but he was glad for it. Fawkes swooped down. Harry saw then that the bird was carrying something. He recognized it immediately as the Sorting Hat, but what would he be doing with it? Fawkes glided straight over Harry's head, dropping the hat right into Harry's hands. He looked inside of it, sure there was going to be something worthwhile inside of it for him, but there was nothing. The hat was empty. Tom sneered nastily at him.

"So! This is what Dumbledore sends his great protector! A songbird and an old hat!" He smiled, amused and pleased that it had been nothing more than that.

He marched forward, a new determination rising inside of him, Harry's wand tightly gripped in his hand. He uttered more words in Parseltongue, and Harry knew what he said. He was calling the Basilisk. As the wall began to open, which was the mouth of the man carved into it, fear crept up inside of him again. He turned to face Harry.

"Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort, heir of Salazar Slytherin, against the famous Harry Potter."

As soon as Harry saw the head of the snake, he turned from it. He started to run, slinging the Sorting Hat aside. It was of no use to him now. He knew if he looked into the giant snake's eyes that he would be dead, so he kept his gaze straight forward. He had worked it out inside of his head. All of the others who had been attacked had only seen the Basilisk's reflection. That's why no one was dead. Colin had his camera, Filch's cat had the water on the floor, Justin had to have seen it through Nearly Headless Nick, and his mother and Hermione had both had mirrors. He ran as fast as he could, trying not to think that he and Ginny might be the first one's to die. This was it.

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