90. Nightmares

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 The feast was the same as it was every year. The food was great and plentiful and Dumbledore made his speech that all ended well and that they were lucky to have one another. One thing that he didn't say every year was for the students to take care, to trust their friends, and something that got Harry's attention, as well as every other person's in the room.

"Dark times lie ahead." Dumbledore's tone was solemn and authorative. "Soon we all may be faced with the decision of doing what is right and what is easy. I hope that you all will make the right choice."

Harry looked at Hermione and Ron, who were both looking at him. Their expressions mirrored his own: worried.

"That was cheerful," Ron commented, his voice full of sarcasm, as they walked outside a few minutes later.

"Nothing is going to be cheerful ever again," Harry told him. "Not with Voldemort around."

"I still can't believe my rat was a Death Eater. It's a thousand wonders we aren't all dead. Where's Hermione?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since the feast. She said she was going to Gryffindor tower to get something she left."

"Well," Ron said slowly, "I'm glad I got you alone. I wanted to ask you what happened."

Harry shifted uncomfortably. "What do you mean?"

"Between the two of you."

"We were infatuated, Ron. We're better off just friends. We told you what happened between us."

"I know. That's what Hermione said. But I didn't feel like I was getting the entire story. Did she tell you about Ginny?"

Harry's head snapped up. She had asked him not to tell Ron about it. "Yes. But how did you know?"

"I weaseled it out of her last night. We were up for a bit after you went to bed. She told me that she thinks you loved her."

He swallowed. "I- She was my friend, but I'm not sure if I loved her. I never thought of her in that way until she told me she liked me."

Ron smiled. "I hoped you would have told me. You don't have to give Hermione up because of Ginny."

"I know. I just think it's best. I don't want Voldemort using her against me, Ron. Her or anyone else. It's bad enough that Mum and Severus are so close and that I'm attached to the both of them and you. You're all in danger because of me. Pettigrew made me realize that. He could have taken any of us out, at any time, and no one would have been the wiser. It makes me wonder why he waited."

"Because Voldemort told him to. Why else?" He grinned. "Besides, the Order of the Phoenix will nix him. I know they will. I know that's why Mum and Dad are here."

Harry frowned. "I didn't see them."

"They came in with Dumbledore before the feast started. I'm going home with them."


They stopped when they came to the Hogwarts Express. Molly and Arthur were standing there with Fred and George. They motioned for Ron to come and join them. He said his final goodbyes to Harry and ran over to them. Harry stood there for a moment watching them. There was something...no, someone missing. His mind flashed to Ginny, and for a second, he was overcome with sadness. Tears formed in his brilliant green eyes. He hadn't thought of her much the last part of the year. He was too busy with concern about Sirius and his fate. Suddenly, there was a strong hand on his shoulder. He whirled around.

Severus was standing there. He saw his reflection easily in Harry's eyes. They were filled with tears. "Harry, what's wrong?"

Harry wiped his eyes quickly with his sleeve. "Nothing. It's nothing."

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