50. Dobby Returns

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 Madame Pomfrey was in a right state when Alaina brought Harry into the hospital wing. His whole Quidditch team followed them there. Fred and George were at his bedside now, Angelina Johnson and Oliver Wood too. They were all concerned for Harry's well being.

"He should have been brought straight to me!" Madame Pomfrey exclaimed. "I can mend bones in a heartbeat, but growing them back-"

"You will be able to, won't you?" Hermione asked worriedly.

Alaina and Severus looked at each other with the same worried expressions. They had both been wondering the same thing as well.

"Of course, I'll be able to! But it will be painful. Regrowing bones is a nasty business." She ran over to her cupboard and grabbed a bottle out of it that looked like a skeleton. She poured some of it in a cup and handed it to Harry.

Harry took a drink and spat it out. He looked up at her strangely.

"Well, what did you expect? Pumpkin juice?" she asked.

He made a face. Alaina frowned. Madame Pomfrey shewed everyone away. Ron and Hermione said goodbye and so did the rest of his teammates. Fred and George left him with a small joke that made him smile, despite his painful condition and they left with smiles on their faces as always. The only ones left were Alaina and Severus.

"Mum, that stuff tastes horrible," Harry told her once everyone was gone.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," she told him. "You have to take it."

"Yeah, thanks to Lockhart," Severus mumbled.

She gave him a disapproving look even though she knew he spoke the truth. He smiled apologetically at her.

"I just don't understand who would send a Bludger after me like that," Harry whined. "What did I do to deserve this? Maybe the elf was right. Maybe I shouldn't be here this year."

Severus sighed. "Potter, you being here may be a good thing. It's no secret what you accomplished her last year. Maybe whoever is opening the Chamber of Secrets views you as a threat, fearing you may figure it out just as you did with the Sorcerer's Stone."

He grinned. "Ron, Hermione, and I have already started working on it."

"You best be cautious."

"I will."

"And don't get hurt again," Alaina chimed in. "And what do you mean 'you've already started working on it'?"

"We are trying to find out who the heir of Slytherin is."

Severus shook his head. That boy was always in some kind of trouble and he told him so. "Just don't get in over your head before you come for help this time."

Harry smiled. "I won't, Professor Snape. If I can help it at all I won't."

Alaina leaned over and kissed him tenderly on the forehead. "Good boy."

"I think you and should leave him to heal," Snape suggested. "We'll come back tomorrow and visit. Is that satisfactory to you, Potter?"

He nodded. "Yes, sir."

She laughed. "Okay then. We'll be back tomorrow. Get some rest, kiddo."

"I will."

"I love you, Mum."

"I love you too, Harry."

Harry looked over at his professor. His green eyes met his black ones and they shared an understanding at that moment. They said 'I love you' too, just without words. Then Severus suddenly turned and broke their connection. He swiftly walked out of the Hospital Wing, Alaina trailing close behind him. She had noticed the look too, but she didn't say anything. It was best not to...yet.

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