98. Shattered

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Severus was holding his own against Voldemort, which surprised both of them. Voldemort hadn't known that Severus was so good with spells. He had always prized him for his knowledge and skill in potions. All this time, he could have been using him for other things. If only he hadn't fallen in love with a Mudblood.

"Don't you get it, Severus?" he taunted. "You are nothing. You failed. You were supposed to protect that little boy and he ended up protecting you and the woman you love. How pathetic can you be?"

Severus glared at him. He knew what he was trying to do. "It's not going to work!" he shouted. "You're trying to distract me, to make me feel guilty. If I do feel that way, I'll do it later, when I'm rid of you!"

Voldemort sneered. "Childish dream, that is! You will never be rid of me!"

Alaina clenched her jaw. Yes, they would. They would be rid of him. She looked down at Harry. He had become so cold in such a short time. Holding him in her arms was freezing her, but she didn't care. She couldn't make herself let go of him. She glanced around the room. Death Eaters were lying everywhere, it seemed. Lupin and Sirius were still dueling. So many were dead already. Bellatrix was gone, plus several others. She and Severus and their friends had survived. So far, the battle was being won. By them. She took a deep breath and focused her energy on Voldemort. She saw his leg give a little and she knew that it was working. He was feeling the pain she was bringing him. She wanted to smile knowing that, but there was nothing left to smile about. The little boy she had cared for so much, had given up her life to protect, was gone now. In the end, he had protected her instead.

"Stop this!" Voldemort screamed. He threw a spell at her.

Alaina closed her eyes, and braced herself. There wasn't enough time for her to get her wand and she knew it. The spell would hit her anyway, or so she thought. The impact never came. She glanced behind her. Dumbledore smiled down at her.

"I thought you could use some help," he told her.

She nodded. "The diary?"


"Ron and Hermione?"


Alaina sighed in relief. That was good news. "Then why isn't he dying?" she questioned.

Again, Dumbledore smiled. "Give it time."

Almost as if on cue, Voldemort fell to his knees. A wave of something swept through him. Severus kept his wand on him, but he had no idea what was happening. None of them did. It looked like a wave of electricity. He was flashing in and out like an old television set.

"What's happening to me?" Voldemort cried.

Severus stared at him for a moment. He did not know.

Sirius and Lupin managed to take down the last of the Death Eaters, with a little unexpected help from Tonks from the rear. They all ran over to Alaina, Dumbledore, and Severus.

"What's happening?" Sirius asked Dumbledore.

The old man had a twinkle in his eye when he answered. "Justice."

He frowned. That really hadn't answered his question, but he wasn't going to complain about it. Something was going down and it had brought evil to its knees. Literally. That's all he really needed to know. He knelled beside of Alaina and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You have to let him go."

She shook her head, but she didn't look at him. "No. I won't. I can't."

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