63. Free

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 Harry and Ron had barely gotten to the train station before they were attacked by Hermione. She squeezed them both so tightly they thought their heads were going to pop off. She hadn't gotten the chance to see them before the feast or talk to them, so she was anxious to be told what had gone on without her. They were both happy to see her, as it had been hard the last few days.

"You must tell me everything!" Hermione exclaimed. "We'll have the whole train ride to talk and you can't leave anything out."

Harry and Ron smiled at each other. They did have a lot to tell her. They told her about the Chamber of Secrets and Lockhart right away while they were standing there waiting to board the train. Once they were on board and settled into their own compartment, they told her the rest of the story. Hermione got so emotional that she cried when Harry told her about Ginny and she was shocked when she learned that Voldemort had used Ginny to come back to full power.

"She was the one who took it!" she said.

Harry and Ron both nodded. Harry proceeded to tell her about Professor Snape coming after them down into the chamber and saving them from Lockhart's memory charm. He ended the story with his and Ron's latest adventure, going into detail about how he had called out to his mother and she had saved them from the clutches of death once again.

"My goodness!" Hermione cried. "I'm glad you and Ron are okay, but is he alright? Professor Snape?"

"You saw him," Ron reminded her. "At the feast."

"Oh, right. I nearly forgot with everything else Dumbledore was saying. He was sitting next to Professor Evans."

"I'm just glad Harry got away from You-Know-Who. I can't believe he's back."

"His name is Voldemort, Ron," Harry told him.

"I know. I just don't like to say it. He gives me the creeps. Not to mention that everytime someone says his name everyone around them looks like someone just ran a finger down their spine."

Harry grinned. He knew it was true. He was about to tell Ron when a loud pop suddenly rang out, causing the three of them to nearly jump out of their skin. Harry's eyes widened in surprise when he saw who it was standing there in the middle of their compartment. It was someone he thought he would never see again.

"Dobby!" he cried. "What are you doing here?"

The small elf smiled at him. "Dobby came to thank you, Harry Potter."

Harry was confused. He wasn't aware that he had done anything for him. "What for?"

Dobby wrung his hands. "Dobby had been set free for his loyalty to Harry Potter instead of to his wizard family. Mistress Malfoy was furious when her husband was taken to prison. She set Dobby free with one condition."

"What's that?"

"Mistress said that Dobby had to do one last thing. Dobby has to deliver a message to Harry Potter."

Harry stared at him. Dobby seemed extremely nervous. He was still fidgeting with his hands. "Just tell me, Dobby. It's okay."

He sighed. "Dobby has to tell you that no matter how safe Harry Potter thinks he is, he isn't safe. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named will get him and the Malfoy family will help."

Hermione gasped and Ron's eyes stretched in shock. Harry swallowed hard. He figured they would come after him. Why wouldn't they? Lucius was a Death Eater. It only made sense that his family would follow in his evil footsteps. Harry looked the elf straight in those bright, green orbs he had come to know so well.

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