70. Lupin's Request

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 Alaina was extremely tired by the time she finished with her classes that evening. Luckily she didn't seem to have any problem children. She saw Fred and George Weasley on her way back to her office and they tried to charm her into having dinner with one or both of them in the library as a joke. She laughed and politely declined, telling them she would take a raincheck. She missed having a class with them in it. She went on to her office and ducked inside.

She changed into a silky nightgown and wrapped her robe around her in case Harry decided to stop by for some reason or another and then settled in. She was going over her lesson plans for the next day when she heard a quiet knock on the door. She stood and adjusted her robe so it covered every single inch of her before she answered it. She opened it slowly and was surprised to see who her visitor was. Her eyes widened. It definitely wasn't who she suspected it would be.

"Hermione, hi."

Hermione twisted her foot nervously in the doorway. "Hello, Professor Evans. I was wondering if maybe I might come in."

Alaina frowned, wondering what could be troubling her, but she didn't object. "Sure, come in, sweetheart."

Hermione came through the door and Alaina closed it tightly behind her. She stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"You can have a seat, Hermione."

She looked up. Her cheeks were flushed and she seemed terribly apprehensive. "Thank you, Professor Evans." She took a seat on the couch.

Alaina walked over and sat down beside of her. "It's Alaina when we're alone, okay?" When Hermione nodded, she asked, "So, what can I do for you?"

She figeted with her hands for a moment trying to gather what she was going to say in her head. "Well, I wanted to ask you a question and it's a bit personal." She looked up. "Do you mind?"

"No," Alaina said slowly, "but I may not answer it if it's too personal."

She nodded. "I understand. I'm just curious." She sighed. "I'm older now and I've been having all of these strange...feelings. I'm not even sure if I should be talking to you about this or not, but there is someone that I feel...strange around and I'm not sure I know what to do about it."

Alaina smiled. She knew exactly what this was about. Suddenly the smile faded and she became serious because she wanted to make sure Hermione knew she wasn't making fun of her. "When did these feelings start?"

Hermione looked a little uncomfortable. "Over the summer. Well, at the end of last year really."

"Let me ask you this. Is it one of your friends?"

"Yes, but I don't want to tell you which one."

She smiled. "That's fine." A sigh escaped her. "It's a difficult decision to cross the line of friendship, Hermione."

"But you and Professor Snape were friends, right?"

"Yes, we were."

"And the two of you are dating now and everything is fine."

"Yes, but we're adults. It's different with you, sweetie. Boys your age take a long time to mature. And depending on who it is, he may not think of you the way you think of him."

Hermione frowned. "There were moments though. When he would look at me and smile or when he'd accidentally touch my hand that I thought he might feel the same way. But now-"

"Now you're not so sure."

"Exactly. But I feel different toward him. All warm inside and it makes it weird to be around him."

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