56. Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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 Harry got Ron out of bed early the next morning, grumbling to himself about how he had been sleeping good. Of course his eyes opened wide when Harry told him that he had been sucked into the diary and that he knew who opened the Chamber of Secrets. Ron sat upright immediately.

"Who's going to go wake up Hermione?"

Harry grinned and held up his invisibility cloak. "Me. I'll be right back. Meet us down in the common room."

Ron frowned, wondering when Harry was going to get dressed, but as he went out the door, before he put on his cloak, he noticed that he already was. He hopped out of bed as soon as he left and started getting ready.

Harry bounded down the stairs to his dormitory, opened the door and went out. Luck must have been entirely on his side, because Hermione was just coming out of the girl's dormitory when he started to go in. He pulled off the cloak immediately.

"Holy cricket, Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "You gave me a fright!"

"I'm so sorry, Hermione," Harry told her. "But I was coming to wake you up. There's somewhere I need you to go with me and Ron this morning."

"But I was going to the library to do some extra studying," she whined. "What is it this time? There haven't been any attacks lately."

"I know that, but something happened to me last night. I was sucked into that diary and I found out something. I'll explain along the way."

She sighed. It was always something. "Okay."

A few minutes later, the door opened behind Harry and Ron came out fully dressed. Harry led the way and the three of them headed out of Gryffindor. They were down to the entrance to the castle in just a few minutes and went outside. The morning February air was cold. They walked down the bridge and into the stone circle. Suddenly, Harry got off to the side and motioned for Ron and Hermione to follow. They did silently. Harry pointed off to the right and they finally saw what had moved him to duck for cover.

Professor Snape and Professor Evans were on their way up to the castle. They were carrying blankets and candlesticks the best Harry and the others could tell.

"Where do you think they've been?" Ron questioned.

Harry shrugged. "I have no idea."

Hermione, however, had a huge smile on her face. "They've been out for a romantic Valentine's Day dinner. Honestly, don't the two of you ever think about it?"

"Think about what?" Ron asked.

"Love, Ron."

He wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Ugh! No."

She rolled her eyes. Harry laughed at the both of them. They watched Severus and Alaina pass and then they tiptoed from their hiding place and went on down to Hagrid's. Harry was glad that his mother was enjoying life outside of the castle as well as in. He told Ron and Hermione about Hagrid being the one to open the Chamber of Secrets as well as Tom Riddle.

"I don't like this Tom Riddle," Ron commented. "He seems like a dirty rotten snitch to me."

When they got to the small hut Hagrid called his home, Harry was the one to knock on the door. He knew that this was going to be extremely sensitive stuff. Hagrid opened the door immediately and he wasn't surprised to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione standing there.

"Hello to the three of yeh," he said gruffly. "What brings yeh down here before school?"

"You do, Hagrid," Harry answered. "May we come in? There's something we have to ask you about."

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