71. Buckbeak and Malfoy

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 Despite his running speed, it was a long time before Sirius made it to Hogsmeade. He got the the Shrieking Shack and made it as comfortable as he could for living. He knew he was going to be there for a long while. He sought out the entrance to the secret passageway hidden inside of the shack and he followed it. He walked the passageway trying to remember all of them he could use to get around once he reached the castle grounds. He had known and traveled all of them during his time at the school. He even knew a short cut through the Forbidden Forest into Hogsmeade, which he might use on his way back to the Shrieking Shack. He, James, and Lupin used to roam the Hogwarts grounds freely during the night when they caught Filch's back turned. That was one of the many reasons they got into so much trouble over the years. Peter Pettigrew had been there too, but he refused to acknowledge it anymore. As far as Sirius was concerned, Pettigrew never existed. The only person he remembered was the pratt that had gotten James and Lily killed.

Sirius stopped at the end of the secret passageway exit he knew to be right under the Whomping Willow. He took out the stolen wand and turned himself back into his animagus form: the black dog. He was going to need to run fast to escape the wrath of the tree. He peeked up out of the stump and when he deemed it safe enough, he shot out of the hole like an iron ball out of a cannon. He heard the familiar crunch of branches behind him, but he didn't look back. He was still in his animagus form when he trotted up to the castle, careful to avoid being seen by anyone. His plan was to sneak in the castle and somehow get up to Gryffindor Tower undetected. He had a feeling that's where Harry would be. The only trick would be to find out which dorm room he was in.

Sirius had nearly reached the entrance to Hogwarts when the door suddenly opened. He shrunk back, out of sight, hoping that the person walking out the door had not seen him. He cocked his head to the side curiously when he saw Harry walking out. He would have known him anywhere. Sirius's eyes widened. The boy before him almost brought tears to his eyes. It was uncanny how much Harry looked like James. He could have been his twin. Sirius felt like he had seen a ghost. What was he doing out at night though? And by himself? He wondered about that as he watched him. Harry walked back and forth a little way out from the door. He was pacing for a moment, then he stopped and started out into the grounds.

Sirius was about to follow him when someone else suddenly emerged from the open castle door. It was a woman, and even in the dim light of the torches he could see the glimmer of her long, dark, red hair. It was Alaina, and she looked just as vibrant and beautiful as the day he had left.

"You know you can't do this alone, don't you?" she asked Harry as she closed the castle door and the distance between them.

"Not unless you are with me," Harry said in a rehearsed voice. "I know, Mum."

Sirius wrinkled his nose. He was puzzled. Why had Harry called her 'Mum'? He knew she was probably the only mother the boy had ever known, but surely Alaina had told him about Lily and James by now. A wave of sadness tore through his heart. He could have been there to help her and for Harry had he only controlled his temper. Anger toward Peter arose inside of him again. It was all his fault.

He watched Alaina and Harry interact a few moments longer. It appeared they had just come out to get some fresh air and they were talking about students treating him terribly. Sirius, even in dog form, frowned. He wondered why his classmates would be treating him this way.

"I talked to Professor Snape about it," Harry confessed. "He basically told me not to worry about it, that he and you would be here for me. Ron and Hermione too."

Alaina smiled. "He did?"

He nodded. "Yep."

"Well, Harry, Severus was right. We will all be here for you. I cannot even count the number of times one of the staff memebers has come up to me today, telling me that they're behind you one hundred percent."

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