94. Seven

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 "No," Severus said, shaking his head. "Absolutely not."

The Order, Ron, Hermione, and Fred and George were still standing in Dumbledore's office. Alaina had taken just a moment to excuse herself and she came back in just a few minutes. She had gone down to the Dungeons, to get a batch of Polyjuice Potion from his stores. She didn't tell any of them, until she came back with it.

"Severus, it's the only way I can think of to get inside Malfoy Manor," Alaina told him. "I'm sure Voldemort will have it fixed so that no one, without a Dark Mark, can come through undetected. He may be evil, but he's not stupid."

Severus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "This is suicide."

"I think it's a smart plan," Sirius chimed in. "Although, I don't think Ron and Hermione should be going."

"Hey," Ron said. "I want to help save Harry too."

"Of course we do," Hermione confirmed. "I don't see why we couldn't."

"Because you'll get yourselves killed," Lupin told them.

"Doesn't matter," Ron told him bravely. "I can't lose another person close to me."

"Here, here," Fred and George chimed in.

"This will get all of us killed," Severus said worriedly. "Alaina, are you sure about this?"

Alaina's face was more serious than he had ever seen it. She nodded. "I'm positive. It has to work. Voldemort will be confused and he won't know which one is the real you. It's a brilliant plan, if I do say so myself."

"I agree," Dumbledore weighed in. "It's our best chance to help Harry."

"But I thought only those with a Dark Mark could get in," Sirius commented, wrinkling his nose in confusion.

Severus raised up his left sleeve. The Dark Mark was there for all to see. "If you turn into me, Black, you will have a Dark Mark."

"Oh right. I forgot that you were his."

Alaina shot him a warning glance. "Don't start, Sirius. Not today."

Sirius pressed his lips together firmly, and said no more. He didn't want to upset Alaina any more than she already was. He couldn't imagine how hard this was for her. She had undoubtedly gotten close to Harry, during their many years together as mother and son. He knew she must be going crazy inside. "My apologies."

She nodded. "Okay, Severus, we're going to need some of your hair."

He frowned. Dumbledore patted him on the back and silently urged him to proceed. He walked over to his desk and got a pair of scissors out of the drawer. He didn't like this. He didn't like this one bit. When they all volunteered he had been touched, but he never imagined they would be putting their lives in this kind of danger. To go marching in together was one thing, but to look like the man the Dark Lord was after? That was insane. Albus brought them over to Severus. Severus reluctantly cut a bit of his own hair. He took it over to Alaina.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he whispered to her. "You will be risking the lives of everyone involved, Alaina."

"They volunteered," she reminded him. "They know what they're getting themselves into. Well, maybe not Ron and Hermione, but they want to save their friend. Can you blame them for wanting to come along?"

He frowned. "No. I just know that I have to go. We need a plan."

She smiled at him and caressed the side of his face. "And that's where you come in, darling. You know that place better than anyone. You will make the plan. I'll follow you to the edge of the earth. You know that."

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