99. Reunited

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Dumbledore was pacing back and forth. The members of the Order that had come to Malfoy Manor were busy tying up Death Eaters and taking their wands, even the ones who were unconscious. Sirius and Lupin were gone. They had volunteered to be the ones to go to the Ministry of Magic. Sirius wanted to be the one to tell the Minister that he was wrong. At least, that was the reason he gave. Lupin went to try and keep the peace between them. The Order wanted to be sure that none of the Death Eaters could start up another brawl like the one that had just taken place. They had been gathered around Harry's body, but there was much work to be done. Alaina was still with Harry though, and Severus. He wouldn't leave her side. Ron and Hermione were there with her and Draco Malfoy too.

Alaina glanced up at Draco. "I'm grateful, you know. To you. Whatever you did for him."

Draco blinked. No one had ever said anything like that to him before. "Thank you."

"Aren't you worried about your mum and dad?" Ron asked, out of the blue. It earned him a slap from Hermione, but he was so numb that he didn't even feel it.

"No. They're both tied up. Mum's fine. She wanted Voldemort gone as bad as I did. Father is a different story. He'll never learn. He's unconscious. He won't change. He keeps holding on to the old ways."

"I'm glad you've changed, Draco," Hermione told him.

He smiled. "Thanks, Granger."

Severus sighed. He had been silent for some time now, just listening to the kids and Alaina when she would talk. There was nothing to say. It was all over. Harry was gone. That was it. There was nothing he could do now. Alaina took his hand into hers. She glanced up at him and gave it a squeeze.

"We're going to get through this, you know," she told him. "Harry would want us to." She was trying to put on brave front, to be strong.

"I know," Severus admitted. "I know he would. I should have never told him."

"It would have happened anyway. The moment he found out. I know that. It was just so unexpected for him to jump in front of me."

"I would have done the exact same thing, Alaina. He loved you with all of his heart. Just like I do."

Tears came to her eyes. "I know. He was half of my world. You're the other half."

He smiled sadly. He kissed her lightly on the forehead to thank her, then looked down at Harry. He frowned when he saw his lips moving. His mind must have been playing tricks on him, but then he saw a tear roll down his cheek. He swallowed. He must have been seeing things. Harry was dead. He couldn't cry or move his lips. "Alaina, I thought I saw-"

She looked up at him. "Saw what?"

He shook his head. "Never mind. I don't want you to get your hopes up. My eyes were playing tricks on me."

"No," Hermione said. She was staring down at Harry now, after following Severus's gaze. She had seen the utter look of confusion on his face. "I saw it too. A tear just trickled down Harry's cheek."

"Impossible," Ron commented. "He's dead."

"Maybe it was just a bodily reaction," Draco suggested. He gulped. He was pretty freaked out by it. He saw the tear too.

Severus rubbed his hand down his face. "I need to get some air for a moment." He started to get up, but felt someone grab onto him. He thought it was Alaina at first, but the hand was so cold. He looked down. Harry had a hold of him. Alaina gasped, shocked beyond words. Harry's eyes were open. Alaina hugged him tightly. Ron and Hermione too. Severus embraced him the moment Ron and Hermione released him.

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