15. Welcome to Hogwarts

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Alaina made it to Hogwarts without any trouble.  She remembered from her previous trip.  When she arrived, Albus Dumbledore was waiting for her when she walked up to the large iron gates.  Severus must have sent him an owl to tell him she would be coming.  He was wearing a set of light periwinkle robes and his long beard was tied toward the bottom.  He looked exactly the same as he did ten years ago except his beard was longer.

"Evening, Alaina," he greeted her with a warm smile.  The smile turned into a frown though when he realized she was alone.  "Where is Severus?"  He opened the gate for her and allowed her to come in.

"He stayed behind to ease my insecurity about leaving Harry.  I didn't really want to leave him alone.  I worry about him a lot," Alaina told him as they walked toward the school.

"I see.  Well, it's perfectly normal behavior for a parent."

"Yeah, I'm still getting used to that term."

Dumbledore cleared his throat.  "What did Severus tell you about this position?"

"Only that it was a teaching job and the subject was Muggle Studies."

Albus smiled.  "And how hard was it for him to persuade you to come here?"

She returned the gesture.  "Not very.  I find he can be quite persuasive when he wants to be."

He chuckled.  "Yes, but I want to be absolutely sure you want to do this.  It's going to be a hard job if it's not something you really want to do."

"I would love to teach.  I'm just not sure why Severus is so keen to have me here."

"He needs a friend, I believe.  He was quite adamant you be here at Hogwarts this year."

Alaina gazed thoughtfully at him.  "Leaving Severus behind was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.  I cried for days.  I'm not sure what that means, but I missed him terribly."

Dumbledore opened the door to the castle for her and motioned her inside.  He then led her down the corridor toward his office.  "You are not the only one who was upset you left.  We all felt your absence although hardly any of us knew you well.  But it didn't affect not one of us like it did Severus."

"Severus was upset?"

"He was.  Extremely.  For days his mood was sour and depressed.  Every time someone mentioned that night or your name or Harry's I would see him tense up, or he would leave the room.  It seemed he had a hard time letting you go."

She thought for a moment.  Hearing this made her feel just terrible.  "That's awful.  I never wanted to cause him any pain.  I just wanted what was best for Harry."

"How is the young man?"

"Very curious and smart.  We got his school things today."

"Yes, Severus told me he ran into you in Diagon Alley."

She smiled.  "Yes."

They stopped at the base of the gargoyle.  Alaina held her breath as Dumbledore said some sort of funny name.  The staircase began to rise.  He urged her to step onto it.

"You want me to step onto the staircase?" she said.  "Is it safe?"

"Of course it is safe,"Albus told her.  "I wouldn't ask you to do it if it wasn't."

Alaina stepped onto the stairs and he came right behind her.  The stairs lifted her up to a door and she stepped off.  Dumbledore went in front of her and went inside.  She followed close behind him, closing the door.

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