22. Suspicious Minds

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The knock on the door was light. Severus had told him Alaina was sleeping, although he didn't know why she was in the Potions classroom doing so. It was strange he had gotten the message from Filch and Severus had not delivered the message himself. He had a strong feeling whatever he had to tell him was not good news.

Severus opened the door immediately and let Albus in. Albus saw Alaina snuggled up on one of the tables. He smiled, amused she would be able to sleep there. Then his eyes fell on the steaming cauldron. They had probably been working on something together. He raised his eyebrows. How interesting it was.

"What were the two of you working on?" he asked curiously.

"A Sleeping Draught. Alaina has been having trouble sleeping lately." He glanced over at her. She looked so peaceful. "But she told me some things and I think it finally set her mind at ease. She opened up to me about her secret." He knew Albus knew about it already.

Albus smiled. "You sound proud."

He nodded. "I am. She trusts me, Albus. Other than you, there is no one who does. I'm really glad she let me in, but there is something she revealed that troubles me. It's why I wanted you to come down here. I would have come to your office, but I didn't want to leave Alaina alone in here. It concerns Potter."

Dumbledore's interest was instantly peaked. "Please continue, Severus," he said as he sat down in one of the chairs. He scooted it out noiselessly so he wouldn't bother Alaina.

Severus took a deep breath. "His scar was hurting, Albus. He told her it was when I looked at him that he felt the first twinge."

"That is curious. You have not developed any powers I should know of have you, Severus?"

He rolled his eyes. "This is no time for jokes. I'm worried about this. What if because I was a Death Eater and I had a connection to the Dark Lord-"

"You did not make his scar hurt if that's what you're getting at."

He sighed. He had hoped he would say so. He didn't want to cause the boy any pain because he knew how much it would hurt Alaina. "Potter did say it didn't hurt while he was in my class and I was right in front of him. Then Alaina asked me something that really got me thinking. She asked me who was sitting next to me last night besides herself. It was Quirrell."

Dumbledore's eyes widened in surprise. "Quirinus?"

"Yes. Of course. How many Quirrell's do you know?"

He chuckled. "I can see you're not in a joking mood. Only one."

"I was talking to him about Potions of all things. He asked me if there was a strong healing potion I would recommend. I was telling him I had been working on something over the summer, but I never finished it. He had his back to Potter because he was facing me."

"Hmm. Curious."

"What do you think, Albus?"

"I really don't know what to think, Severus. All I know is that when you're touched by a dark curse the only person able to affect the scar it leaves is the one who gave it to you."

Severus stared at him. "Do you mean to say that only the Dark Lord could make Potter's scar hurt?"

He nodded. "That's exactly what I'm saying." He frowned. "And I'm guessing there is only one reason that Voldemort would want to find a way into this castle."

"The Sorcerer's Stone."

"Exactly. Hagrid just brought it to me yesterday."

"Do you think it's possible for him to-"

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