38. Points for Gryffindor

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 When Harry opened his eyes that next afternoon, his bed was surrounded by sweets and prizes. Oddly enough, he was in his pajamas, which he didn't remember getting into at all. He looked around the room and realized that he wasn't alone. Dumbledore was sitting on the foot of the bed, but he wasn't looking at Harry. He was starting in a different direction. Harry followed his gaze and his eyes widened. He gasped in surprise. In the bed next to his was Professor Snape, and in his arms was none other than his own mother.

"They look quite peaceful, don't they, Harry?" Dumbledore asked quietly.

Harry smiled. "Yeah, they do. Have they been like that all night?"

He nodded. "Neither of them wanted to leave your side. Apparently you gave them quite a good scare."

"I didn't mean to." Suddenly Harry thought of something. "The stone? Did Voldemort get it?"

Dumbledore smiled. "No. You saved it from him, Harry. A very noble feat for someone your age. It was very brave of you."

"Thank you, sir."

"But I must ask you what happened."

Harry nodded. He figured that was coming. "I'll tell you, but I want to wake up my mum and Professor Snape first. I want them to hear it too."

Albus smiled. "Very well." He got up off the bed and walked over to them. He only had to tap Severus on the shoulder to wake him up. He was a very light sleeper. He woke Alaina up with a light shake. Both of them stared at him with sleepy eyes. "I thought you might like to know that Harry has just awakened."

Alaina jumped up immediately out of Severus's arms. Harry smiled at her. She wrapped her arms lovingly around him. Severus smiled as he sat up. He had been content with her next to him for the duration of the night. Harry stared at him blankly as he hugged his mother.

"Oh, Harry!" Alaina cried. "It's so good to see you awake!" She squeezed him tightly and then let go. He laughed.

"It's good to see you too. There for a moment I thought I'd never see anyone again," Harry admitted.

Silence fell over the room. Harry peeked around Alaina and laid his eyes on Severus.

"Professor Snape?"

Severus looked up. "Yes, Potter?"

Harry didn't really want to come out and say that he wanted to hug him, so he just extended his arms. Severus stared at him for a moment, unsure of what to do. Dumbledore and Alaina were both waiting to see how he was going to react. Reluctantly, he walked over to Harry and hugged him. It was strange the warm feeling it gave him. He let go rather quickly.

"Er, what was that for, Potter?"

Harry shrugged. "You just seemed like you were lonely over there."

Alaina giggled. Severus shot her a glare, but she didn't pay any attention to him.

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "I just asked Harry to explain to me what happened down there. He wanted to wake the two of you before he started."

Harry smiled. "I didn't want to have to tell the story more than once."

"Go ahead," Alaina encouraged him. "I'm glad Albus woke us up. I don't want to miss this explanation."

Harry seemed a little reluctant to start. He took a deep breath, then the whole story just seemed to pour out of him. He started from the point Hermione petrified Neville and told them everything that happened while they were down the trap door. He paused when he got to the part about Quirrell and took a deep breath before continuing. He told them how Voldemort tried to get him to join him and how he had burned Quirrell's skin just by touching him.

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