49. Rogue

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 It was only a few days into November when Hermione sneaked into Snape's stores and stole the ingredients they would need to brew the Polyjuice Potion. Harry felt bad for doing it, but it was the only way they were truly going to know who the heir of Slytherin was so they could stop them once and for all. It was for a good cause. The potion wasn't all he had to worry about though. The first time Gryffindor played Slytherin in the Quidditch game was what he was most focused on.

Malfoy made it a point to taunt him about it whenever he found the chance. He didn't have the guts to do it when Snape was around any more. He had kind of gotten the feeling his former favorite teacher was getting a soft spot for Harry. When he told his father about it in a letter, Lucius told him he would be at the game to see for himself. Malfoy told Harry that he was coming so he would be nervous and not play as well as he could. Little did he know, that Harry wasn't the one that he made nervous.

"Are you sure that's what he said, Harry?" Alaina asked. She was busily adjusting his Quidditch uniform. He had it on all crooked.

Harry nodded. "He said that Mr. Malfoy would be at the game to size up the competition." He frowned. "Why do you look so worried, Mum?"

She shook her head. "It just makes me nervous that he's going to be here." She had her reasons, but she didn't dare tell Harry. The conversation they'd had at the shop was between them and the Weasleys. "There's a specific reason he's coming and I know that because Lucius is the kind of man that never does anything without a reason."

"You'll be at the game, won't you?"

She smiled at him. "Of course I will."

Harry smiled back at her and then run along. She knew he wanted to meet with Ron and Hermione before the big game. She swallowed hard. She needed to talk to Severus. Maybe he would know why Lucius was coming. It could be just because he wanted to watch his son play in the big game, but it wasn't likely. She made her way down to the Dungeons. She was about to go into Severus's office when she heard a voice inside that did not belong to him.

"Tell me it isn't true!" the voice hissed. There was no mistaking it. It was Lucius Malfoy.

"That what isn't true? That I found someone who cares for me and not my skills? I'm sorry, but I cannot," Severus told him.

"You actually love that-that Mudblood?"

Alaina cringed as Severus raised his voice. "Don't ever call her that again! Your son already made that mistake once."

"Severus, what on Earth has gotten into you! You're better than this! You could get a lot better than her."

She could almost see the smirk on his face. She pictured it in her mind.

"She is my friend. That is all that matters."

"But the Dark Lord-"

"He's gone, Lucius."

"When he returns-"

"I will remain with Alaina."

"You are mad!"

"Not as mad as you think."

Alaina jumped out of the way as the door of the office was flung open. Apparently, Lucius had enough. She ducked into the Potions classroom and got out of sight as Lucius burst out into the corridor. He was clearly distressed as he bolted up the staircase. She heard a loud noise from within Severus's office. She ran over to see what it was and there were books and papers all over the floor. She stared inside. Severus was upset. He had his hand over his face and he was standing very still.

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