72. Sighted

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 By that evening, word had traveled around the school about what had happened. Draco remained in the hospital under the care of Madame Pomfrey for the remainder of the day. He got to miss all of his classes and claimed that his arm felt like it was going to fall off. Hagrid was miserable. He had gotten an owl from the Ministry of Magic not two hours after it had happened, ordering him to a hearing to determine the fate of Buckbeak. He told Harry and his friends the next time he saw them and told them he would let them know as quick as he did, the verdict concerning his feathered friend.

"I can't believe that happened," Alaina said. She was sitting on her couch grading papers. "Harry told me just a few minutes ago. It didn't happen like they were told I'm sure."

Severus rustled some papers that he was working on. He had been with Alaina all evening. After classes were over they had a beautiful dinner together and decided that if they had to work that it would be best to have some company. Severus had gone down after their dinner to get his paperwork and he had been sitting beside Alaina ever since grading papers just like she was doing. "I'm sure it didn't. Malfoy did something to spruce up the story. He wouldn't look like a fool in the eyes of his peers."

Alaina shook her head in disgust. "That's terrible."

"I agree with you, love, but there's nothing we can do about it. Not really."

"Harry was upset about it. He, Ron, and Hermione are afraid that Hagrid will get fired."

"No," Severus assured her. "Albus wouldn't do that. And even if the Ministry made him do it, Hagrid would still be living on the grounds."

"It would break Harry's heart if something happened to Hagrid. He's grown quite fond of him just as he has you."

He smiled. "Harry will be fine. You know what breaks my heart?"

Alaina frowned. She didn't know something had upset him. He hadn't given her the slightest indication. "What?"

"Grading these papers," he said with a sly grin.

Alaina slapped him playfully. "Severus Snape, I thought you were sad about something. I was about to console you."

He chuckled for a second, then his smile faded and he became very serious. "Well, I can be sad if you want to console me still."

She grinned. "Just what did you have in mind?"

"Oh the usual."

Blushing, she smiled. "We have papers to grade."

"That's what we have wands for. Or we could do them early in the morning. Whichever you prefer."

She looked him straight in the eye. "Are you serious?"


Alaina thought for a moment. They hadn't been able to spend time together lately. They were always working, always busy. She smiled. "Why not?"

Severus stood and extended his hand. She took it without hesitation, and he guided her off to the private quarters of her office, and more importantly to the bedroom. He literally picked Alaina up and sat her down on the bed and then crawled up there with her. It was the sexiest thing she had ever seen him do. Then he proceeded to press his lips hard against hers. She kissed him openly and passionately. She had forgotten just how good it felt to be in his arms, to feel their hearts beat wildly against each other. Clothes hit the floor a few minutes later and they made beautiful music together beneath the sheets consummating their evergrowing love once again.

Alaina was the first one to wake up the next morning. She got up, showered, and was dressed before Severus even opened his eyes. He rose up to see her standing at the mirror checking out her outfit.

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