68. Everything's Changed

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 The train stopped at Hogwarts a mere twenty or thirty minutes later. All those aboard had changed into their robes and were ready to head to the feast. The students got off the train in an orderly fashion. It was pouring the rain. Hagrid was there to great them as he always was. Severus and Alaina were the last to get off. Remus came off right before them.

"I should think we'd better get to the castle quickly!" he called to them.

Alaina nodded. "Good idea." She took Severus's hand and they all three headed for a carriage. They got in before they were too drowned by the rain. "I'm going to have to change into some dry clothes before I go into the Great Hall."

"Me too I'm afraid," Severus said. He wrung out the ends of his robes and shook off a little. "I'm soaked through."

Alaina rubbed her face down her hands. "Me too."

Remus cleared his throat. He felt awkward being in such close proximity to Severus. He could feel the waves of hate coming from his body. Still there was something he was curious about that he just had to ask. "So, how long have you been that close to Harry, Severus?"

Severus looked up at Remus, his eyebrow shooting up immediately. "I beg your pardon?"

"On the train. Harry hugged you. I realized then that the two of you must have become very close."

"We have. Not that it's any of your business, Lupin."

Remus smiled. "I know it's not. I was merely curious. You and Alaina seem close as well."

"We are," Alaina revealed, smiling proudly. "We've been dating for a long time now."

"Really? Who would have thought?"

Severus glared at him. He wondered what that was supposed to mean, but he held his tongue. He didn't want to fight. Not in front of Alaina. They rode the rest of the way to the castle in silence.

Once inside the three of them went their separate ways. Luckily the luggage was already inside. Alaina changed out of her wet clothes and into dry ones very quickly. Severus too. They met in the lobby area and went toward the Great Hall together. Severus stopped just before they reached the entrance. He grabbed her hand. She smiled at him and nodded. The two of them went into the Great Hall holding hands.

At first no one noticed, but then the whispers started. Severus and Alaina passed Harry, Ron, and Hermione and they were all smiling at them. They seemed genuninely happy that it was finally out in the open for everyone to see. Severus guided Alaina up to the staff table and they took their seats right beside of each other. Dumbledore smiled and nodded in their direction. He was thinking only one thing: it's about time.

The choir sung a song or two before Dumbledore gave the okay for students and staff to go ahead and eat. Only when everyone had finished did he get up and start the announcements. The wings of the owl on his podium spread and silence fell over the room.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore's voice boomed throughout the room. "This year is going to be different from all others because of one sobering fact that Ministry of Magic wishes me not to tell you. But I think to hold the information from you would be unfair to all of you. Each and every one of you deserve to know what's really going on. Voldemort has returned. I know some of you won't believe me, but it's true. He's back and his best weapon is each and every one of you. Don't let evil into your hearts. With that said, I think it's best if I move on to the announcements."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all looked at each other as Dumbledore went over the rules like he did every year. The students around them were whispering fiercely. Harry could hardly make out what they were saying, but he definitely heard his name mentioned and Voldemort's in the same sentence. His stomach did a flip flop. This was definitely going to be an interesting year. First Voldemort returns and now he may have a prisoner from Azkaban that's trying to kill him as well. He would be lucky if he survived the rest of the year. He glanced down the table. A few of his classmates were throwing daggers at him with their eyes. Harry gulped. He had no idea what he had done wrong, but it was something. They all looked either scared or mad and their emotions were directed at him.

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