💛You Have Me💛

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Your Have Me💛:So I got a notif from my first Astro Imagines about a comment on my first Eunwoo one when (Y/n) bumps into Rocky so... I decided to give the people what they want 😌 Instead of Eunwoo lets change it to Rocky.

Type: I dunno just going with the flow.


You hung out with Eunwoo a lot and loved being around him. You stuck to him like glue when he was around. He didn't really notice how much he liked being around you and how much you liked him. Until you decided to step up.

"Eunwoo... I would like to go on a date!" You say as you stood firmly. He stopped what he was doing and turned around slowly facing you.

"(Y/n)...." He said. You looked at him as if you were being casual but really you wanted to run and hide away. Then a girl runs into where the two of you were with a smile on her face. She stopped to look at you with big eyes and a curious look. You blinked before you turned to Eunwoo.

"Hello?" She said confused. He smiled and waved nervously avoiding your gaze. You looked then looked at her once again.

"Eunwoo! Come on we're gonna be late!" She said as she ran to him and hugs him right in front of you without a care in the world. He smiles and nods as he hugs her back with a small blush. You stand there and watch them talk for a bit being all lovey with one another. How cruel of him, even if he wasn't counting on her coming, how could he right in front of you after you took the courage to confess... He then looks at you and gulps a bit, he is averting his eyes once again almost ashamed.

"(Y/n)... I don't think I can help you with your homework... I've got a... Date.." He says. Your heart crumbles into pieces. You nod silently as you stand frozen in place. She waves and smiles at you innocently, ah... She didn't even see you as someone he could be interested in, you weren't a threat at all to her, which makes things even worse for your feelings.

"Nice to meet you!" She said in a soft voice, you just nod and then watched as the two left. You stood there and then looked down, there was no one around, but you felt completely humiliated. Had he not also felt the way you did in the slightest? And a girl... You've never even seen come around him is going on a date with him? How foolish you must've looked in front of others going after him while others probably knew about her. You sniff as tears fall down your face, yes, at least you were alone and don't have to deal with being seen like this.

"Alone or not... I still look like an idiot crying like this..." You say as you wipe your face. You then began walking as you bring your shirt up a bit and wipe your face with it and then walk with your head down when you let it go.

When you opened the door you continued as you lip trembled a bit while you began to walk away you could hear some giggles from the stairway and then the sound of Eunwos voice. You bite your lip. Couldn't they just leave already... Now you had to take the back stairway. You turn and as you begin to walk it is stopped when you bump into someone and you glance up with tears falling down.

"Ah. (Y/n) I- Eh! Are you okay??" Minhyuk said as he tilted down a bit seeing your tears flow out. You let go of your bottom lip as your lips continue to tremble and you try to say words but it comes out as quiet gibberish while you cry as he panics a bit while trying to understand what's going on.

"I... Did I step on your feet? Oh maybe a button caught your hair for a second? Or did you hit yourself with the door again? I mean no offense but school doors shut slowly so you should see it coming..." He says and your brows furrowed before you slap his chest.

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