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😞One💔: There is one thing I know. I love you.
Type: Betrayal and thought based can be deep. Sad just a bit. Hurting. Painful. More sadness. Untrusting. Feeling of importance lowering. And like a thousand other sad stuff cause man I just write that stuff you know what 'm sayin' dude.


I had thought you loved me Kim Myungjun.
Turns out all you do is hurt me..

Its like I wasn't even important to you..
like there was no one else there for you to do it to..

I know I had been there..
But you were the one I trusted..


"Come on (Y/n)! Dont be that way!" He says as you crossed your arms looking away.

"No! How could you! I trusted you! I thought we were on the same team!" You say as you didn't look at him. He let out a sigh as he looked down at the table.

"Fine fine!" Ill give you what you want!" He says. You didnt move as you just glanced at the table confused.


Then in that moment, I realized..
How much you loved me


"Uno.. Uno out." You say. He then sighed and put his cards down. He could've won. But no.

"Awe I love you." You say as you hugged him. MJ rolled his eyes as he hugged you back.

"I dont think we should play Uno with those two anymore." Jinwoo says in the background. The other guys nodded in agreement as you and Myungjun sad happily as you watched the boys play and cheer on Myungjun.


****Type: I dont even know udoshrk lmao,,
****Title: 😞Uno💔 jcksbrks

Uno always breaks people apart 🤧

But I hope you enjoyed this short even though it was trash and dumb cuksdkshf

Its less than 300 words oml this is gonna bother me but I wanna put something out uckshr

I also had the idea after I saw these special type of Uno cards ufoshf

But anyways baiii!!

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