✍🏼Desk Notes💕

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Desk Notes: Story based off of real like events just with romance and events that actually didnt happen lol
Type: No smut,, this is pretty boring


You walked into your classroom and sighed a bit, it was the morning and you were tired as HECC. You took your normal seat as you did everyday and waited for your friend that sat in front of you. When he had came you guys talked about some stupid stuff, like Steve Harvey from that show Family Feud saying "nani", or why a friend did something that was.. Weird as usual.

"Alright class, Today we will learn about Muscles." The teacher says, honestly you felt as if it was his FAVORITE thing in the world, he was a PRETTY BUFF teacher. You sighed and looked down at you notes paper and then to the side on your desk.

'Hello!' was written on it. You tapped your friend and pointed to it. He shrugged and then you shrugged as you began to write on the desk.

'Hiya! uwu' You wrote on the desk with a small chuckle before continuing to listen but then not listen to the teacher.


The next day you looked at where the hello was written and saw that whoever wrote it erased your uwu, but underneath a question.

'Be my friend?'

You smiled a bit before you nodded. You then stopped and realized that whoever this was is probably no where near you. So you wrote.

'Of course!'

You didnt know why talking to this complete stranger not even face to face felt exciting. Like something that would happen in a story.


The next day you looked at the desk immediately.

'Okay! My names is Moonbin.'

Your eyes widened. Of course you knew Moonbin, he was pretty popular. You never talked to him though. You didn't know how to response as you sat there thinking. Your a total loser, how do you become friends with someone as popular as him? He'd probably be disappointed as heck if he met you. When it neared the end of class you had decided.

'Mines is a secret :P'

You nodded and smiled before you got your things and then went to the next class with your friends.


Today you were exceptionally tired. You sat down at your seat and read the desk. Everything from before had been erased and now said.

'No fair :( I said mines'

You giggled a bit imaging a small pout on his face as he wrote it. You laid your head down as you began to write on the desk.

'Well I know you already :>'

You wrote with a small smile trying to imagine what he would say. But your thoughts got taken over by the teacher yelling at everyone to put their heads up.


The next day you looked at the desk.

'Ah really? A friend already of mines?'

You wishes he was an actual friend of yours. You then grabbed the pencil and began to write with a small sigh.

'No, you are popular, who wouldn't know you. Which is why I don't think we could possibly be real friends..'

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