❤️To Love or to be Loved💔

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❤️To Love or To Be Loved💔: One of the people I follow on Instagram did this poll stuff and this came up and like yeahh so this story is about my answer.
Type: I guess sad, thoughts, stuff lmao


People are complicated.
You either love someone who doesn't love you as much as you love them

Or someone loves you as much as you cant love them

Its the sad reality. But hey, we get through it dont we.

We move on after grief and put days and nights of pain behind. But are they really left behind?


You were on the swing. Sitting in a white dress. It was a family get together and it was a very big party, like a reunion. A formal one. You were distant from your family so what would you do? No one wanted to talk to you there.

"You look pretty." You looked over at a guy your age. He was dressed in a formal way too. You scrunched your face up.

"Ive never seen a cousin like you.. Who are your parents?" You say. He then blinked as he chuckled and shook his head.

"No I'm a family friends son. I am not related to any of you." He says. You then nodded as you observed him and then shrugged.

"I mean if you were then we would obviously all be good looking at least." You say with a chuckle. He then shook his head as he sat down on the swing beside you.

"I think you guys are a pretty good looking family. I mean have you looked in a mirror today? I also did say you looked pretty." He says. You then blushed a bit as you shrugged silently and it went silent with just the creaking of the swing from him and the chatter and music in the distant.

"Im Moonbin." He says. You then looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"My name." He says. You then nodded as you lightly swung.

"Im (Y/n)." You say. He then smiles and nodded. Then continued to ask you random questions until you got comfortable and asked him questions back.


Few years past and the two of you grew closer. You becoming attached learning he went to the school you did, just in a higher grade level.

Then one day you took the courage.

"Binnie.. Do you think we could go out somewhere.." You say as the two of you sat at a bench outside eating lunch. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at you.

"Sure, arcade again?" He says. You then looked at him as he continued to eat.

"I mean like.. Like a date." You say. He then blinked and almost choked on his food before looking at you and gulping it down with some water.

"A date?" He says. You saw it in his eyes. It was a rejection look. Feeling sympathy. Feeling pity towards someone you're about to hurt. Everything that made you feel like the submissive and weak one. Maybe this is why people break up with people over medias. Face to face is more heartbreaking, but what is misunderstood is that face to face is more sincere and something to get comfort from the same one that done it, with a satisfying feeling of everything is gonna be okay.

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