😴Talking to Who😔

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😴Talking to Who😔: Uhmmm I dunno
Type: Depressing..? Sad..? Not Realistic? I dunno

"Come lay next to me." Sanha says. You smiled as you went over. It was many years ago. You were 5, no one believed you. But he was a shooting star.

"Sanha, you came from up there right?" You say. He then looks at you and looked at the sky and then the moon that was barely visible in the day as he pointed.

"There.. Thats where Im from." He says. You then looked up and smiled with eyes of curiosity and fascination. He then sat up and looked at you.

"Come with me." He says. You then smiled as you nodded. He then stood up and smiled.

"You mean it?" He says. You then nodded happily as you stood up with him. He then hugged you.

"I love you!" He says. You then smiled and hugged back as the two of you were happy.

"I love you too!" You say back with stars in your eyes. He then pulled away and grabbed your hand.

"Close your eyes. Its scary when you have them open." He says. You then closed your eyes. You then heard him count down from 5 and his voice slowly disappear and then. You woke up in your bee. It was still mid day.. Why were you here? You then went outside to where you and Sanha had been that time and he was gone. You looked around for a while until it was finally dark. And you had to go to bed. You sat in your bed looking out your window.

"Where'd you go?" You whisper with sad eyes looking at the moon.

____________ | ___________

No one ever believed you. No believed he had existed. But you still talked like he was still with you. And he was.. At least its what you felt when you looked at the moon.

"Sanha, are you gonna come back soon? I kinda miss you.. Well I really miss you." You say. At this age you were 17. Slowly starting to give up on trying to make him come back cause you weren't crazy.. He's real.

"I'm almost done school.. Then I'll be a full adult here.. Maybe my memory of you will disappear.. Will you let it disappear?" You say. Just the sound of crickets were heard as you sighed. You then were about to give up but as you closed your window, you saw a shooting star fall into the fields. Your eyes widened.

Its him!

Is all you could think as you immediately climbed out of the window and then ran out to the field. You were anxious, it had to be him. He's coming back for you. You knew he'd come.

As you approached the location there was a lot of smoke. You remember this. When you were 5 you found the shooting star from the moon here, he had smoke everywhere around him and where he was held was hot.

You touched the foreign rock material and hissed at your buring hand, but was too focused on finding a person. And so you did.

"Sanha.." You whisper as you got down on your knees and looked at him. He was older. He looked around your age. You scanned him. His skin still pale like the white of the moonlight, his lips small and red, his cheeks a bit red alomv with his nose as his eyes slowly opened and immediately his dark blue eyes were met with yours.

"Sanha!" You say again as you smiled and hugged him. He jumped before he became at ease and untensed leaning into your hug as he closed his eyes stuffing his head in your shoulder.

"(Y/n).. I heard you.. Dont let me disappear..." He says. Your eyes widened. So he does hear you. You smiled softly as you hugged him tighter.

"I wont.. If you take me with you this time.." You say. He then blinked before he nodded quickly. He knew.. He knew he couldn't take you. But he did it cause you said it. Now the tired Sanha stood in front of you.

"Before we go.." He says softly. You looked at him and then suddenly he went down and kissed your nose leaving a small shock of sensation on it that kinda made you sneeze as you and him chuckled after.

"Okay.. Close your eyes.." He says. You then shake your head as you kept them open.

"For this one.. I want to see you." You say. He opened his mouth, but you were head set on it as you gave him a sharp look. Then he sighed. His eyes turned sad as if to turn black as he held on tightly begging and praying before it happened. Slowly he started to vanish as he turned into sparkling dust that soon moved all to your face and slowly you became dizzy and..

You woke up in your bed. And it happened. Over and over again. Until finally..

He stopped.. He never came. Your hopes died. Waiting for the day he'd come and take you. For it was all just empty promises.

He was never coming for you again. So everytime you'd see him.. You didn't hold on.. You didn't utter a word. You had admitted it.. You were crazy. You had no one. He wasn't here. But sometimes.. Maybe sometimes you'd forget your own truths and remember the feeling of being loved.. By him. You'd close your eyes and feel his presence hugging you and smiling that you had remembered him and didn't give up. But when you wake up.. Its gone. It continued of course... Until.. You didn't wake up.

I love you..

Give me a break..


So uhmmm right now as I am posting this I am in a very bad mood it was going to be a like happy sorta ish ending but I either write my emotions out orrr yeah I dont really talk to people or Ill end up getting too mad or whatever. So yeah.


Sorry maybe one day when I am feeling better Ill rewrite the ending.

I dunno. Uhm

Anyways goodnight Im tired very tired.

Love you❤️😔

Ps. Ill be good tomorrow so dont worry guys. I just cant think straight oof

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