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Still Want You: An idea I got from reading a different story that isnt related to Astro so I wont give that story unless you want it :>
Type: Up front.. I dunno just yeah-


Its been months.

Since we've parted ways, yet the feelings linger everytime I see you in my head with me.

Whats wrong with me?

You stared down at your hands as you brought them up to your face. Oh how much you hated this feeling. These feelings. You wished they could go away. But they cant. And as much as you wished for them to leave.. You know you'd be wishing for them to come back.

The train subtly stopped and you looked up as you stood up and sighed. You waited for everyone who need to leave go as you observed the train.

The place we once sat together

Missing our stop just to continue to be together here.

Where we had met..


"Excuse me, but you dropped this." You turned and looked at a boy. In highschool like you, wearing the same uniform except in boys of course.

"Oh.. Thank you.." You say as you grabbed your wallet. You then checked it and then looked at him who was watching and put a thumbs up to say everything was there. He then nodded. But he didnt leave. He made small talk and the two of you became friends.


You blinked and then got off the train. You slowly walked as people bumped you from every angle but what were you to do? Its a normal train station. You then walked out. It was raining. No umbrella. You sighed as began to walk out into the rain. Your hair immediately drooping downwards as you sighed and lived with it. People gave you weird looks but you couldn't care less.

"Excuse me." You turned and saw a boy. Your eyes widened. It was the same uniform from a long time ago.

"Would you like an umbrella?" He asked. You smiled softly after coming back and shook your head.

"Thank you, but Ill manage." You say. He then nodded slowly before walking off and catching up to his friends who were staring not so far away at you and immediately questioned the boy on why you didn't have an umbrella. You rolled your eyes as you chuckle at their pointless gossip.

You continued to walk and then you were at the bus station. You sat down underneath as water dripped down your face. You then leaned back.


"Yah, what have I told you!" You pouted a bit as you looked away. Your hair was soaked and dripping everywhere.

"I dont like wearing my hood and I always forget my umbrella." You say. He then went into his big bag he used for his basket equipment and pulled out a towel. He then went over to you and wrapped it around your neck and pulled you closed as he dried your hair with you blushing as you smiled. He smiled as well as he glanced at you and you looked at him. Then he stopped drying your hair and looked at you. You blinked before you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him and dug your head into his shoulder.

"Dont look at me so weirdly you weirdo." You say as you smiled. He then chuckled as he hugged back and didnt mind your hair wetting him as the two of you hugged for a while.


You were tapped on the shoulder by an old lady who was gesturing towards the bus. You stood up and bowed your head as you got in line to get on the bus. You got a seat as you watched the people come in. You looked around and then saw the same old lady standing up. You made eye contact with her and gestured for her to come over. So she slowly made her way over and you grabbed her bag and stood up.

"Sit down please." You say softly. She then smiled and sat down as she looked at you.

"You should get an umbrella." She says as she observed your wet hair. You then gave her a sad smile as you looked down at her.

"Thank you, but its not that rainy." You say before hearing a long thunder and a crash of lightening. You then sheepishly chuckled and shrugged. She then stared at you and frown.

"Why so sad dear?" She says. You then blinked before looking away with a soft sad smile.

"I lost someone I loved and I guess I cant properly deal with it.. Especially since Im seeing them today." You say. She then reached her small skinny trembling hand up and grabbed yours.

"When I was young, I lost my first love to a woman from America, and now I have my husband and he is a good friend. You shouldn't be afraid to meet your first love again, it only gets better." She says. You stared at her before you smiled and nodded. Then she calmly read the magazine she pulled from the bag you held for her. Then your stop was coming. The lady looked around and then looked at you. Her eyes of sadness now as she smiled.

"I hope you get better." She says. You then nodded silently she then pulled an umbrella out of her bag.

"Here its my spare. I dont think he would want to see you all wet. You'll catch a cold." She says. You then smiled softly as you nodded and took the umbrella. You then exited the bus and waved to her as she waved from the window. When the bus was gone you turned towards your destination. You breath out before you walked through the entrance with the umbrella opened as it was silent, just the sound of the pitter patter of the rain on your umbrella top. You then walked up and there he was. He was standing there, unmoved as it rained on him, but he wasn't wet. You went closer and then he turned looking at you with a smile. A smile that played in your head everyday.

"(Y/n)." He said softly, the sound of heaven to your ears. He then went closer to you, but was forced to stop inches away from you. You couldn't feel his breath. He reached his arm out and put his hand over your cheek. You then closed your eyes and out your hand on your cheek. You dropped your umbrella feeling the rain immediately drench you. There was no warm feeling anywhere. Everything was cold. Until a hot tear trickled down your cheek as you opened your eyes and looked down falling to your knees.

"Its been a while.. Minhyuk." You say as you read his name on the small stone and stared at the picture. It was the day he had asked you to be his during college. He was the happiest then. You were the happiest. But now, his touch is unreachable and you are left alone.

To stare at his stone that held his name and how long, he had lasted. Before he was consumed by coldness this world had. You sniffed as you talked nonsense to him and eventually passed out there. With him.


I said next week or weekend, but look at me being in that mood to write a short sad story.

Are you surprised?

Someone once told me they wanted to see angst so youre welcome I guess


Anyways peace Im like highkey tired but gotta do things,,

Love you💕


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