💌Shoot Me A Text😔

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Shoot Me A Text: Based off of, something that goes on in my head(?) I dunno lmao just an idea🙃
Type: Uhm,, fluff(?) I dunno(?)


You didnt remember the last time you've heard your phone make that special ring sound to let you know that special someone had texted you.

But you lived with it. It was kinda hard to. But what did you expect, really? A welcoming how are you? Without you having to be the one to awkwardly text something?

 But what did you expect, really? A welcoming how are you? Without you having to be the one to awkwardly text something?

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(My reality with everyone I text cause I cant form a proper conversation🤪🤘🏼,, anyone else? Hdksbdks)

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(My reality with everyone I text cause I cant form a proper conversation🤪🤘🏼,, anyone else? Hdksbdks)

Being friends with someone you couldn't text what you felt. It was hard. Unsure thoughts always coming to you when you think of something to say and you just. Dont.

You slump down on your couch staring at your phone before you sat up.

"Hey Eunwoo how was your day?" You say with a smile. "Well (Y/n)! My day was fantastic and just got better!" You say again in a different type of voice trying to mimic Eunwoos. "That is so great! You're too kind!" You say as you put your hands on your cheeks with a sheepish smile on your face. You then catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and then stop.

"This is so dumb. I hate myself." You say as you groaned and go to your bedroom. You frowned slightly as you threw yourself on your bed. You then felt your phone vibrate as you groaned more and rolled holding your phone up.

 You then felt your phone vibrate as you groaned more and rolled holding your phone up

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