😘All I Need😔

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All I Need:I wrote this a year ago.. So it sucks and I just tried to change it a bit,, but it sucks,, but i need something,,
Type: Fluff I guess,,


You're a young dancer who does many styles of dance. You dance for fun to any music you listen to. You would dance anywhere. You taught yourself dance and worked hard if it was something new. You were at a park and your friends played music as they watched you dance. You danced and laughed the whole time as people started coming you would do more and more. That is when the song playlist was over, you stopped with a big finish and smiled as people clapped. You then went back and then laid down in the grass.

"Hey, your pretty good." You hear a voice above you say. You look up slightly and see a face you've never seen before. You then sit up and look at a guy.

"I liked those dances, where are they from?" He said. You were a bit quiet and thinking. He then smiled and chuckled. You didnt understand it, why was he laughing?

"Im Minhyuk or Rocky." He says. You then think about it and then your eyes widened a little as you stand up and take a closer look. You then become a bit shocked as you stare.

"You're.. Park Minhyuk.." You say shocked. He smiles as he nods and puts his hand out. You then look at his hand and stare and then shake it a bit shakily.

"I'm.. (Y/N).." You say. He then lets go after a long hand chake, caused by you , and chuckled with a smile looking at you.

"Well, (N/n), I would like to say that your pretty good and we should dance together one day." He says. You then nod with your head a bit down sheepishly listening and freaking out about the nickname he had given you and the request he asked. It was like a blessing. He stared at you a bit before he spoke up again.

"Your cute, well I would really like to know where did you get your dance moves from, they looked really familiar." He said as he ruffled your hair and smiled. You then blushed a little and nodded.

"It's kinda like the Astro choreography mixed with my own dance.. Some of you guys moves were slowed down a bit and speed up more at certain points.." You said. He smiled and chuckled as he bent down a bit so that he could match you.

"Can I dance with you tomorrow." He says. You blush more and then think about it. You then nod. You immediately got a piece of paper from your bag and write where to meet.

"Come here, its an awesome place you'll love it." You said excited a bit. He smiled as he took the piece of paper.

"Consider it a date." He said before winking and leaving. You watched as he smiled and waved getting into his car. You blushed in shock.


"A DATE WITH THE PARK MINHYUK?!" You say talking to yourself in your room.

"What am I supposed to do...." You said over thinking a bit. You then laid down on your bed and calmed yourself down.

"(Y/n).. Calm down.. Your over thinking.. Its just as friends.. Were dancing so it won't matter." You say as you mess with your pillow sheepishly. You then ball yourself up and close your eyes and slowly fall asleep. You didnt want to over think it. The best way was to sleep it off. And it worked, that was until you began to rush to get ready early in he morning.

—The Place

You had gotten there really early still nervous in your new dance clothes.

"(Y/n)? Why are you here so early?" You friend asked you. You sheepishly smiled at him as you just stood there.

"Are those new dance clothes?" He asked. You blush a bit and nod. Maybe it was too noticeable. Maybe Minhyuk would tell you he didnt mean it besides friends, but you didnt know so you looked your best. Even if it was just to get sweaty.

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