📚Book of Your Choice💕

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📚Book of Your Choice💕: I got it from the new concept photos 🥴 Which are so fucking good and I had a heart attack lmao((when they came out and not while posting this months later oof))
Type: Fluff,

You were doing your regular routine. Wake up, do chores, go to work, eat, and then go to the library. Sometimes for movies, other times to just sit and read.

Going inside there were of course many many books, I mean its a library. And little people, that's why you chose to come here last, it was always so peaceful and warm, people trying to unwind from there day.

You smiled as you walked in, unaware of the eyes that watched you walk past and to your seat. The boy at the counter, longing your attention, but it was never given from his shyness all he could do was check your books out and say hi.

He watched as you picked out books from the section you favoured most. Then over came his coworker and he frowned.

"Yah, (Y/n), I saved this one for you." He says. You looked over and smiled a bit. As the book was held out to you.

"Minhyuk, I thought you couldn't do that." You say as you grab the book. He only smiles as he leans against the bookcase and you stand there and look down at the book. He stares at you and you glance up at him and the two of you look at each other.

"I can't read while you stare at me." You say as you lifted your head and looked to him. He hums and gets closer.

"Well, it doesn't look like you are doing much reading when you stare back." He says as he looks down to your lips and you stare at his eyes before using the book and covering your mouth.

"I can read you, it's like a picture book reading you... So obvious with just the picture." You say and he chuckles a bit as he goes close to the book so his mouth is covered too and the two of you are close.

"What if I look like a picture book, I want you to know the obvious. I like you." He says and you blush as you avert your eyes and you feel his hands on yours, so you look back and a finger goes to your cheek, cold.

"You look cute when you get flustered." He says as he slowly moves the book down. From the counter, the boy's fists are clenched. He builds his courage and leaves the counter. He goes over to where the two of you are. Once he is there he clears his throat. Minhyuk stops and turns around and looks to him as do you.

"You have books to put on shelves." He says sternly, Minhyuk looks to you and he brings his hand up and ruffles your hair.

"I'll wait." He says softly. You look down a bit shyly and nodded.

"Jinwoo, you're so mean..." He mumbles with a pout and nudges him as Jinwoo just watches him. Then he looks at you, you glance up to him and then the two of you lock eyes.

"A-Are you gonna check that out..." He says softening, a bit nervous under your gaze. You move the book away from your mouth and stand up straight.

"Uhm yeah... Please." You say as you smile sheepishly. He then nods and you follow him until he goes behind the counter and you in front of it as you set the book down and he scans it. You can't help but look at him as he does.

"If... If he bothers you... You can say something, this is a library, but in trouble say something loud enough for me." He says and you blink. You smile then and giggle a bit, he looks at you when you do as he blushes.

"I'm sorry... But it isn't like he is doing anything bad... Maybe some overstepping, but I think you always come at the right times, so I tolerate it." You say as you look to the book putting your hand on it as you traced the title. He then tilts his head.

"Me? What do you mean?" He says as he looks to you, and you're smiling, your cheeks holding a faint blush.

"I know it's kinda embarrassing... I don't know you at all, but I depend on when you come over unexpectedly before something happens... I'm too weak to say no... Especially when he tells me he likes me over and over again." You say as you blush more getting flustered. He nods a bit but stays quiet a bit in thought. You look at him and you feel like you've overstepped.

"I'm sorry, it's weird to say that-

"No! No... Actually a bit, but it's not bad, I am glad I could be that reassurance for you... Im Jinwoo... Park Jinwoo." He says and you smile with a nod as he puts his hand out and you take it.

"Im (Y/n)." You say and he nods as the two of you then stand in silence once your hands release and looking to each other. Then you looked to the side of him, an arm coming around Jinwoo.

"Yah, Jinwoo don't steal my girl." Minhyuk says jokingly. Jinwoo blushed a bit as your face scrunched and a small blush appeared.

"Im not your girl, dont say things like that." You say and Minhyuk pouts as he looks to you and then Jinwoo.

"Okay, but dont fall for Jinwoo Hyung." He says and you roll your eyes before looking to Jinwoo.

"Thank you, we should become friends." You say and he nods with a smile before you turn away and walk out the two boys watching you walk through the big glass windows.

"She's mine you know." Minhyuk say and Jinwoo looks to Minhyuk before you. He has no chance so he lightly punches Minhyuks arm.

"With the way you are treating her you'll never have a chance. Women don't like me who treat them like an object." He says. "You gotta be smooth." He says giving a little slide and Minhyuk laughe a bit.

"Whatever." He says and the two walk together.

"And Im not interested. So dont worry. If she becomes your girlfriend I'll have to be friends with her, so I can properly be your third wheel." He says and Minhyuk laughs as he wraps an arm around Jinwoo and the two walk back behind the counter.


Thats all for today! Thanks for reading I know it sucks but I just dont feel like writing this but Ill publish it.

No one gets the girl sadly just like you guys dont get a story.

No games for real, this is the end.

You thought I was gonna say just kidding lmao.


Ive come to terms with my laziness and this is the best I can do!

So love you and I'll be posting my next continuous line in the next part which will be posted when I wake up since I pulled an all-nighter to prepare for hours and hours of waiting lmao.

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