🧥Kiss Me💋

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💓Kiss Me💋: Got the idea while looking at this recommended book called "Fake Boyfriend" but I didnt read it so meh
Type: Fluff sorta,,,, Any member


You were walking home from school as you were listening to music. You didnt take notice to the guy running across the street until you were pushed into the alleyway that you were next to. You were bewildered as you stared up. The guy then stood up and grabbed your hands.

"Im so sorry, let me ju-." He was cut off when there was yelling coming from nearby. He then helped you up and took off his jacket then quickly took off your school jacket.


"Let me borrow this real quick." He says. You then watched as he put it on and then wrapped his jacket around you and then fixed his hair. The voices got closer and he looked at you and then put your back against the wall.

"Kiss me." He says. You blinked as you were going to protest and scream about what he was doing now coming back from your confused state, but he immediately went close to where your noses were touching.

"Please.. Make it real." He pleaded. The voices were just around the corner as he kissed you and you stood there for a few seconds before glancing at a gang. You immediately kissed back and stood on your tippy stoes as you wrap your arms around him. He was a bit surprised as he looked at you, but went with it.

"Kids these days are disgusting.." One says as they walked by. Then slowly the two of you pulled away as you went down and off of your tippy toes and then unwrapped your arms.

"Nice." He says. You blushed as you looked at him and then turned as you immediately began to leave putting your headphones in and not looking back at him but hearing a but of yelling.


When you got home you immediately slumped on your bed. You blushed as you lied there silently. Suddenly the door opened.

"Hey! Mom said to- Whos jacket is that??" You groaned as you looked over at your brother as you sat up.

"I wear this jacket every day! What do you- Oh lord!" You looked at the black jacket you wore. It was a leather jacket that was warm on the inside, similar to your school jacket except this was big and you didn't notice because the sleeves were rolled up.

"Ah man!" You say as you stood up and took it off. Your brother then smiled mischievously.

"(Y/n) has a boyfriend!" He yelled. You took your shoe off and threw it at him as you hushed him and he laughed still. Then your parents came up and took notice to the leather jacket as there was a whole family discussion in your room. You hated this.


You woke up and got ready the next day. You looked outside and observed the moving trees and falling leaves. You sighed as you grabbed the leather jacket and put it on. You didn't have anything else and it was a warm jacket so why not.


You got to school and immediately you saw a familiar face at the gate. Girls were looking at him as he stood there unbothered. You then blushed a bit going over and then standing in front of him. He looked down at you and then smiled.

"Wow the jacket really suits you." He says happily. You then crossed your arms as you stared up at him and he simply smiled not taking the hint you were trying to look as if you had a problem with him. And you did! Sorta.

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