🌙All Night💜

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🌙All Night💜: Well I dunno
Type: 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


It was a warm and slightly breezy August night. It wasn't the time to be sick. But you were incredibly sick. Your head was hot, your nose red, your throat aching. Your condition prevented you from being able to sleep properly. So it was about 4 am. Walking through the streets lit by the street lights and the house lights of small lamps in the living room or from the kid's room playing video games and staying up late despite school starting soon.

You walked until you got to a coffee shop that was a 24/7 open shop.

You went in and immediately the scent of milk, coffee beans and sweets filled your nose making your eyes droop a bit before you looked to the counter to see a guy standing there smiling at you.

"Good morning, what can I get you?" He asks from afar. You then blinked before walking over and taking a seat on the stool.

"Anything..." You squinted at his nametag. "Sanha.." You say. He then blinks before he looks down and chuckled.

"Ah, my name isn't Sanha I spilt milk on my uniform(Yall thought🤧)... I'm Moonbin." He says and you nodded in understanding as you watched him prepare a drink for you. The scent slightly making your eyes close. Coffee... Cream... Sugar... Cinnamon... Milk... And then whipped cream. When he set it in front of you, you opened your eyes. You put your hands around the warm mug and then take a drink.

"What is it?" You asked after drinking it. It didn't taste like coffee. He then smiled as he picked up his mug.

"Its hot chocolate." He says setting his mug down showing that his mug was where the coffee smell was coming from not yours. You looked at him.

"There is a booth over there... You can go nap if you feel tired. No one goes to the corner." He says as he smiled. You then blinked before you scoffed.

"I'm not going to sleep there... I feel too awful to even sleep in my bed.." You say when you take another drink not caring anymore. He hums a bit as he sets his coffee somewhere else and grabs a rag as he wipes down the area. You watch as you hold the cup in your lap.

"You ever feel sick to the point you'll stop breathing in your sleep?" You say without thinking. He looked to you and then nodded his head. You look down as you sniff staring into the mug.

"I told someone about my concerns... They said I was being dumb... What a friend I've got right. Not like I was sobbing cause I couldn't breath when I closed my eyes and tried to relax." You say as you shrug and let out a dry chuckle. You put the hot chocolate on the counter and cross your arms and put them down before resting your head in them looking to the mug.

"Maybe I am crying for no reason... But I can't help it..." You say as you dig your head in your arms and sniff. He was silent the whole time as he watched you. You realize you probably are being too much. But then you feel a gentle hand on your head. You go stiff before you look up to him. He looks at you with soft and gentle eyes as when you looked up his hand had gone to the side of your head since he didn't want it in your face. He gently moves your hair back and away from your face from which you had bunched it all at.

"It isn't for no reason... You're scared and alone. People aren't supposed to just toss you away when you need them most..." He says and you sniff as you feel like you've found someone really on your side as you tear up more. You were tired and emotional.

"In about an hour I'm off if you want let's go adventuring in the city or something." He says as he smiles. You nod as they fall down and he moves his hand down and gently rubs your cheeks ridding them of tears.

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