👨🏻‍🎓Garduation Confession💕

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Graduation Confession: A request by the lovely LeeArim (i tried ㅠㅠ)
Type: Fluff
Character Name: Arim meaning this will be using her and she or the name. Maybe some slip ups where I wrote "you" lol



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Through Arims Highschool years, shes always mainly had 6 friends. All those 6 friends happen to be the boys she met through one of them.

Eunwoo, he was her bestfriend, and the two of them were inseparable. At least thats what she liked to think. Arim thought that because the two of them were that way, maybe he liked her like she liked him. But he didnt. To her it all seemed like some overprotective brother with his younger sister who he happen to tease a lot. But I guess she had to live with that.

"Arim, I heard someone was going to confess to you today." A classmate said as she went over and sat down. Arim looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" She says. The classmate then rolled her eyes playfully before she gave her a small harmless push.

"Yah, do you not pay attention to anything going on?" She says. Arim shook her head out of honesty and it made the classmate laugh a bit.

"Well its been going around for weeks that someone was going to confess to you today. They said they wanted to before, but Eunwoo is always with you." She says. Arim then blushed a bit and opened her mouth.

"And Eunwoo shall always stay with her." Her and the classmate jumped and looked at Eunwoo who was standing behind the classmate. The classmate looked up at him and he only smiled.. But not a normal nice smile, a smile that read, get away.

And so thats what she did. She hurried back to her original seat and began to talk to her friends.

"She was only telling me some good information." Arim says as she rested her chin on her hand. He raised an eyebrow as he sat down and scoffed.

"Good information? Thats like bad information!" He says. She then blinked and then bluntly looked at him.

"And your reasoning is?" She asks. He then cleared his throat. Oh no. He was about to give his man reasons.

"For one! Why would you want to date anyone? Two! If you're looking for someone you clearly have me and I'd feel offended if I'd have to cuddle you along with some dude. Three! They'll probably not take your weird habits so well like me so there is no point dating someone who isn't gonna love you and care for you like I can!" He says as he pinches her cheeks and coos. She then smacks his hand away and crosses her arms furrowing her eyebrows.

"One, I never said I was gonna date anyone. Two, If I had someone else to cuddle then I wouldn't need you there. Three, I dont have weird habits! No one is perfect.. and you're different from everyone else. Your a friend that pretty much treats me like your sister and whoever is confessing is wanting to be my actual boyfriends. So you dont give me all the love and whatever, you just take care of me." She says before she looked away from him with a sigh. He then frowned and didn't say anything else.

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