🖌The Painters Art💘

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🖌The Painters Art💘: Just an idea I got lol Something a bit different though :>
Type: Fluff


"Okay class, for your assignment, I want you to draw something, someone, anything. Makes you feel happy, loved, cared for.. Anything positive. Your rough draft is due by the end of the week, with your rough draft I want to know what you chose." You say as you smiled. Then you dismissed the class. As you turned to clean the board arms wrapped around you and a then a nose against your neck. You blushed and smiled softly cleaning back.

"We are on school grounds." You say. He then hums a bit and you turn to him looking at him before kissing his lips softly making him smile as you did when pulling away.

"Whats wrong my Sanha~" You say. He then sighed a bit putting his head back on your shoulder.

You and Sanha have been together for years. You two were the same age, but different rankings when it came to university. After high school the two of you took one year off of college and as you started he continued his break taking care of your small apartment and the cat you both adopted along with making sure to have something warm or ordered by the time you came home from classes. You passed and graduated and now it was your turn for a job as he was now in the same university that you went to and worked at now. So you were one of his professors it was weird but its all the same when some people already knew you and knew Sanha was your boyfriend. So nothing was really a problem.

"I cant finish my rough draft by the end of this week!! I need to be able to make it without stopping to get it graded... How about an exception, I take pictures of each stage and then show it to you when I finish my piece okay??" He says. You chuckled a bit. One thing the two of you had in common was art. Drawing, coloring, painting, everything the two of you loved. The same excitement in getting new brushes or a new sketchbook.

The big difference with that common interest was their style of learning. You knew Sanha was never that good with deadlines.

"You turn yours in when you're done and thats for the deadline like everyone else, only because you cant be my exception for late work just because you're my boyfriend." You say and he smiles as he nods happily and you smiled as you reach up and ruffle his hair.

"And make sure to add the message of your painting okay." You say and he nods as he goes down and kisses your nose.

"Thank you my love, Ill see you at home." He says gently as he let go and you watched him walk out with a mushy smile.

"Teacher you're drowling!" You jumped and looked to the kids who had already sat down and giggling as they watched you and Sanha. You blushed before you sat down.

"Am not!.. I could easily make this art class into a writing class." You say and they all stopped laughing and you smiled smuggly.

-A Month Later-

Sanha has been distant. He's been going to the studio a lot more leaving you at home alone. But you know its probably for the assignment but you never expected him to walk into the class with a larger painting that was covered by a black sheet. The students stared as did you as he brought it up to his spot and then went to his seat. Everyone went to their seats before you stood up in front of your desk.

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