😔Not Boyfriend☺️

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😔Not Boyfriend☺️

Happy LATE Singles Awareness Day!!


"I like you..."

"I... I like you too."

"So are you two dating?"

"Uhm... I don't know."

"Hey... I like you, but I can't be in a relationship. I need time."

"Okay, we'll go for your pace."

"Thank you."


"When he said he needed time I never expected him to be so needy and touchy." You say blushing and your best friend giggles.

"Well, boys are boys, what are you to do with them." She says and you shrugged as you rest your head in your palm making one side of your face squashed.

"We aren't even dating... He says something about... Stages? Or whatever..." You say as your face scrunches, but then you sigh.

"I don't understand him..." You say as you lay your head on the table.


"I wanna kiss her." He whispers and your best friends eyes widened.

"Excuse me?!" He says and he looks away blushing a bit.

"When do I do it? How would I? Like... Go for it?" He asks and your best friend blinks.

"Didn't you say you weren't dating?!" She asks and he nods cluelessly as if it's just how things went since the two of you liked each other.

"Well for one, you should stop being a wuss and ask her out!" She says and he looks unsure.

"But... Okay, listen... I have this hyung and he's a bit critical about me dating... So I made a promise to not date... Cause I don't want to make a mistake.." He says and she rolls her eyes as she shakes her head.

"Where the hell would you two even try to do "it" ?! You both are in high school with parents or family who doesn't want that mistake, I know (Y/n) definitely would not wanna catch whatever disease that's in this school!" She says and he covers her mouth and looks around.

"Stopp!" He whispers shouts as he smiles to the other students and then looks back to her as she smacks his hand away.

"Yoon Sanha if you don't man up and ask, you could hurt her, she likes you and you both have already admitted and act like a couple the both of you... And you're still worried about something a family member who probably doesn't live with you anymore says!" She says and he looks away unsurely. She sighs a bit.

"Just... Just figure it out, cause if you hurt my best friend none of us, her friends will take it lightly." She says before turning back to her computer to do her work. He sits for a couple of minutes in silence before turning to his computer.

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