💕Just Kidding😷

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This is the ending to the story I just gave you lmao,. I was joking.


Its been a few months since then. You and Jinwoo have gotten significantly closer.

Surprise surprise, you are sitting here now.

With Minhyuks arm wrapped around you.

Jinwoo had given him advice, good advice, observant advice. Meaning he took everything he learned about you and basically put it all in a book and give pointers to Minhyuk. You were unknown to it, having the feeling of someone knowing you as much as you felt Minhyuk, was nice.

"I bought you your favorite." Minhyuk says as he sets down and cup and you smile as grabbed it and took a sip.

"Wah, you know just how I like my beverages." You say as you set it down on the small table and he sits down wrapping his arm around you again as the two of you sit on the carpet in a corner of the library.

"Of course, why wouldn't I." He says and you smiled as you laid your head on his shoulder.

"Cause we dont talk too much anymore, yet you know so much. Im glad I could have a boyfriend who knows me just by observing." You say and he smiles nervously, its obvious from the way the small reflections shows you.

"Yah, Minhyuk, hate to interrupt your couple corner time, but the boss is here and I've been trying to radio you." He says and Minhyuks eyes widened as he gets up abruptly and you fall back hitting your head on the wall.

"Geez." You say as you wrap your arms around your head and hold it in pain. Jinwoo sighs as Minhyuk panics not having notice you.

"I'll be back." Minhyuk says without a second glance he leaves. Jinwoo watches before looking to you and going down.

"It hurts." You say as your face was scrunched and your eyes somewhat glossy.

"It'll be fine, you just need to calm your breathing and not think about it, I have pain relief pills in the back, come on." He says as he holds his hand out for you and you look at him before taking it and then following him in silence.

When the two of you are in there its quiet as he rummages for pills.

"You told him all that didnt you." You say breaking the silence. Jinwoo blinks before he looks to you and there is silence again before he turne away and grabs out the pills.

"Here they are." He says with a soft smile standing in front of you. You watch him and frown. He looks to your frown and raises an eyebrow.

"You're so complicated... You're like a one thousand paged book... I cant remember anything because I keep losing my page." You say frustrated. He listened and sighs taking one out of the bottle and holding it to you.

"Tell me... Please... I want to understand..." You say. He then sighs and looks at you.

"Yeah! Yeah I did help him! Cause I've liked you for years since you came to the library yet the novice library stricks your interests." He says. You blink at his outbursts.

"W-Well you struck my interest! When we talk I like it! You... You know me cause you listen to me... You understand me and not just some guy leaning on his friend to tell him every small detail.." He says and Jinwoo blinks before he looks away.

"Well it's too late... Minhyuk is happy and I cant ruin that... I came in second place... Your number one is out there so go." He says and you frown as you grabbed the pill and took it with a waterbottle before turning way and looking to the door.

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