💕Someone Special🎁

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💕Someone Special🎁:
Uhm I dunno its just a sweet Idea I got and enjoy the song because Luds voice is very nice and yeah


Fluff I guess lol


You and your friends were walking through the hallways. They were decorated with Christmas decorations and many posters for the dance. You don't usually go to those things, but you feel like maybe you should, it's your last year, maybe once you can go and if you like it, maybe you could go to more.

"So you think you'll go?" One of your friends asks and you look to her and nod your head.

"Why not, its only one dance I guess." You say and she hums as another friend goes over and wraps their arm around you.

"Well, I guess I wouldn't mind walking in with two girls under my arms." He says and you roll your eyes as you nudge him.

"You wish." You say and he chuckles and then he gets pulled away by your other friend before she goes up to you and smiles.

"You should ask Eunwoo to go with you, if it's one dance why not wing it." She says excitedly and you blush as you look at her. Eunwoo was one of your friends, you all used to hang out together, but he had slowly drifted and hung out with a new friend group. It's a bit awkward when making conversation, but eventually, it feels like nothing changed. Not even the crush you had on him.

"Just say it's like a friend thing and then at the end of the night when you're all alone you give him a smooch and he's all like 'I've always loved you Y/N' and then you're like 'No! I've always loved you Eunwoo! Marry me!' and then you get married and live happily ever after!" She says making her voice low for Eunwoo and high for yours. You scoffed a bit, that was too unrealistic, but you pictured every bit as if it could happen.

"Eunwoo doesn't even like us anymore, there is no point in asking him." You say as you shake your head. She goes quiet before you feel her push you and you blink as you stumble and then bumps into someone and no, this can't be who you hope it isn't, you back away not looking up at all.

"Sorry about that, excuse me." You say as you turn to your friend group and glare before you walk around and they walk behind you and only start to laugh when they form a bit of a semicircle.

"You should've looked up, he looked so confused about why you didn't." One of the guys says and you groan a bit as you all continue to walk with a pair of eyes watching from afar before they avert back to what they were initially looking at.


You sigh as you enter the classroom and walk to your desk. When you look you see Eunwoo there sitting in the seat next to yours. The desks are spaced out, but not enough as you go over and sit down. You can feel his eyes on you as you take out your things.

"Are you okay?" He asks and you look at him before you nodded your head.

"Yeah, why?" You ask as you smile a bit. He stares at you before his expression softens a bit and he shakes his head and smiles a bit as well.

"No reason, just checking in." He says and you nod your head again and the both of you just look at each other. You feel a bit tense. Maybe this is the moment, the perfect one. You open your mouth hesitantly.

"Hey, I'm planning to go to the winter dance." You say and he blinks and nods his head, maybe its the light behind him, but his cheeks go a bit pink.

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