❤️Singles Awareness Day💔

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Singles Awareness Day: Something I did in about an hour because everyone is doing Valentines Day specials and I am here like the first story for this Isnt Valentines related.. So I made a story Valentines Related to replace the original  first imagines cause yee :)
Type: Fluff? I dunno really lol but there is definitely no smut in here start out "pure"


It was Valentines day or as you like to say.

"Singles Awareness Day!" You say to your friends as you smiled brightly. They rolled their eyes payfully and nudged.

"For you yes, but not for us." One says. You then pout a bit. All of your friends were in relationships leaving you to be like the 7th wheel for all of them.

"Well then today is about me! You guys give me your love and forget about your boyfriends, girlfriends, and partners!" You say enthusiastically. They then laughed making you cross your arms. They didnt give you all their love. Maybe some chocolates, but thats all. Other than that they were with their other leaving you alone. You agreed to take over one of your friends shift since you had no one to be with at this time.

And that was a bad idea!

Pastries were of course very popular this day! Which was unfortunate as you worked 2 shifts. It was the night time that got you happy. Because everyone was busy on some fancy dates and such that pastries weren't bought at that time.

"Hey (Y/n)! I got a delivery! I need you to take it!" The boss says as she came out with a big box. You nodded as you grabbed the box and nodded. You couldn't help but open it cause why not. It was a lemon cake with a mint green words that said.

"For me!"

And hearts. You shrugged a bit as you closed it and then got on a bike and put it there then began to ride to the address. It was on the same street as your apartment so you just went to your apartment before you went to the houses that were a bit past it.

"777.." You say as you found it and stopped as you got off of the bike and went up to the doorstep and knocked. It was a nice house from the exterior. Seems as if a whole family lived here. Suddenly the door opened and a smiling man was there.

"Ah! My Singles Awareness Day cake has arrived!" He says. You then blinked as he took the cake.

"You celebrate Singles Awareness Day?" You ask. He then nods putting the cake to the side.

"Of course, Valentines Day sucks. No offense if you do that." He says. You then shake your head as you scrunched your nose.

"Valentines Day sucks!" You say. He then nods in agreement as he smiled happily.

"I know right! Too many couples and lovey dovey stuff! No one ever thinks the singles will be sad and lonely about it!" He says. You then nodded. You've never had a more valid conversation in your life.

"Now I see why your cake says for me!" You say as you laughed lightly. He then laughed a bit as well and nodded.

"Yup!" He says as he opened it and it was just as he imagined it. He put some frosting on his finger and tasted it.

"I love lemon cake." He says as he smiled brightly. You couldn't help but blush at how cute he was. He then looked at the cake and then you.

"You want some?" He asks. You then shrugged and he smiled as he gestured for you to come in as he carried the cake to the livingroom where you followed. That night happen to turn out good as you spent it with a total stranger who was pretty funny and bubbly. The two of you became friends quickly finding out the two of you had much in common as you ignored the calls of your friends. Probably to yell at you for bailing on doing her shift. You didnt care, it was her shirt after all. So her responsibility. Plus she'd probably want you to enjoy yourself if she wasnt with her boyfriend so you were.

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