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Karaoke: In this story I just thought of a cute concept for Sanha and a sweet Karaoke thing is nice
Type: No smut for my son,,,



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It all started when we went out for Karaoke.

"Y/N! SInce you aren't singing can you go and get some drinks." You friend asks as she pouted a bit. You rolled your eyes and nodded as you stood up and grabbed her wallet and left. As you walked down you heard various of voices some not so good, and others were great.

But one caught your ears. It was a soft voice singing along to a song you knew, by Eddy Kim. When Night Falls. You couldn't help but sit down next to the door and listen. You listened to whoever it was sing many more of Eddy Kim songs, he was probably his favorite.

About 4 songs in it went quiet. You stood up and looked around no one was there still. You cleaned yourself up and then was going to walk but the door opened and hit you. You fell to the ground in pain as you had one hand on your forehead and one on feet. Stubbing your toes were the end of you, and probably us all (That stuff hurts,, My legs already suffer from Soccer Practice[Yeah Im an athlete now and gonna get those muscles and stuff lmao], I definitely do not want to stub my toes aT ALl).

"Oh my god! Im so sorry!" You heard a male voice say as you felt a hand on your back. You rubbed your forehead and then side glanced at who it was.

It was a guy with fair, soft looking skin and brown hair. His face had a scared and worried look as he was saying things, but you weren't comprehending them. You were just taking in the sight. He then began to nod before he leaned you against the wall and then running off. You blinked before standing up and wiggling your toes a bit and then began to walk rubbing your forehead. You weren't listening so you didn't know if he was coming back or not, but you left embarrassed, even if your friend whined about not getting any sodas, you weren't going back to confront that guy again.


The next day your friend called you early.

"(Y/N)!!!! Lets go to Karaoke again!" She says. You groan and sighed. You weren't up for that, but she begged you and kept calling or texting until you had to say yes. She had also mentioned that others were coming as well, you didn't know who, but your friend wouldn't carelessly invite people she didn't know, so you trusted her.


You put too much trust in your friend. Apparently she just invited some of the girl friends and then some random guys from other classes in your high school. You sat alone in the corner as you watched everyone socialize. Every time someone talked to you you would awkwardly smile or laugh before someone else caught their attention and you felt thankful.

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