🍻Bad Things🚬

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🍻Bad Things🚬: Just an idea .-.

Type: I dunno man- But uhm,, Underage drinking and smoking,,


You were the smart kid in class. The one everyone said that you are the goody two shoes in class. Which is why you were never invited to the parties they had. And if you went everyone would say things like

'Why is she here?'

'Who invited her? So uncool'

'Shes gonna stand there and do nothing whats the point'

So you would leave immediately and go home to your apartment. Alone which lead to you going to the fridge and then grabbing a few bottles of soju and going to the roof.

Thats where you met him.


The next day you woke up still on the roof alone and checked the time. Your eyes widened. You only had 15 minutes to get ready so you hastily ran to your floor and fixed yourself as you got dressed as you looked into the mirror your eyes widened. There was a small mark on your neck. You cursed not remembering anything as you grabbed your makeup and put makeup on it before running off.

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When you got to the classroom you panted. Everyone was there looking as tired as you were. You then went to sit down and sighed as you sat there wondering what happened last night with you. Then the teacher came in and her face scrunched up.

"Yah! It smells like soju and cigarettes in here! What are you kids doing now?!" She says. Following behind her was a boy who was as tired as everyone else. You chuckled at the teacher before you looked up and immediately made eye contact with the boy. He smirked a bit before he looked away. Something about him seemed familiar. The teacher introduced him and people became interested. He seemed like someone cool, so they took a liking in his appearance and the way he talked slowly, but at a speed that was good and fit their standards of cool. You simply watched trying to make out where you saw him before.


At the end of class everyone turned to the new student, Park Jinwoo, also known as JinJin.

"Yah, Jinwoo wanna come to a party later." Someone says. He looked at them and then thought about it. You were looking and watching as your face showed a face of resentment for your classmates. Suddenly Jinwoo looked at you.

"Is (Y/n) coming." He says. Everyone went silent as they looked at you. You then looked behind you wondering if he really just said your name. Suddenly the guy that asked went over to you and wrapped and arm around you.

"Of course she is!" He says. You blinked as you stayed silent and Jinwoo nodded and everyone was happy before they all glared at you leaving. You rolled your eyes and stood up.

"Excuse me, but do I know you?" You asked him. He then raised an eyebrow before standing up and going over to you as he stood close to you. You tensed as you stared up at him. He then put his hand on your neck and pressed his fingers against your covered up mark making you wince. He then used the sleeve of his blazer wiping the makeup off as the mark was dark red. He then went close to your neck and kissed the mark. Your eyes widened as you winced again.

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