✊🏼Talking To You🥰

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✊🏼Talking To You🥰: Okay soo I was mad and upset while I posted talking to who which wasn't supposed to be sad or anything.. So I just screamed in that whatever the heck was in my head and I apologize.. So lets get it!
Type: Because this is like Part 2,, happy... As best as I can lmao


Being born again.. The concept of coming back after living your life and going through death, just to wake up again.. As someone new.. A new you..

You wouldn't usually remember what happened back them.. But you remember him.

"Hello." He says as he was on the balcony next to your balcony. You blinked as you quickly wiped your tears away.

For some reason I loved you like that.

"I heard what you were saying.. Even if life is going bad.. And no one loves you and you're alone.. Dont give up.. Somewhere out there you'll have someone waiting for you.. As of now.." He walked over to you and reached his fist over as he smiled.

"Lonely peoples club." He says gesturing to the fist bump. You felt less sad as you went over and managed a weak smile as you put your fist against his. The two of you stared at each other before you pulled your hand back.

"Thank you.." You say. He then nodded as he pulled his arm back and now the two of you stood there.

"Do you want to just talk now?" He says. You then nodded a bit as the awkwardness slowly lifted and the two of you talked about anything. It made you both feel less alone.. More at home. It was late so in the moment of silence the two of you had fallen asleep on the balcony.


When you woke up you were in your bed. You had a sense of dejavú as you looked out to the sliding glass door to the balcony. You were going to stand up, but on the ground.

"S-Sanha!" You say as you went over him and was now on the floor next to him as you lightly shook him.

"I-Its not good to sleep on the floor." You say. He groans as he turns his head away and you furrow your eyes at him before scoffing.

"Fine! Get sick." You say as you stood up. Before you could go he grabbed your ankle. You turned and looked down as he slowly turned.

"Stay." He says. "Im so cold." He adds. You blinked becoming worried as you grabbed the blanket and put it on him. Then you grabbed a pillow and put it under his head. He then smuggly smiled.

"Thank you." He says. You then blinked as he got comfortable and turned away from you. You then got up and kicked him.

"Get out of my apartment! You have your own bed!" You say. He then groans in pain as he gets up with a pout. You then watched as he walked to the balcony and then climbed over.

"E-Excuse you!" You say as you went to the balcony. He turns back and looks at you.

"A door exists!" You say. He then smiled and shrugged as he opened his balcony door.

"Its more fun when you act as of we aren't allowed to associate, like a big secret." He says before waving and leaving. You blinked confused before going back inside.

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