Relic of Creation

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General Ironwood and the Ace Ops were standing outside waiting for Penny to arrive. But of course they kept their guard up.

Ironwood: Be ready for anything. We don't know what state Penny is in.

Harriet: If any of those brats have the nerve to come with her, we put them down immediately. The General gave his terms. No more games. (noticed Vine sighed) Is there a problem?

Vine: Just retracing the steps that led us here.

General Ironwood got an alert and he looks at his scroll to see it was Robyn and Qrow causing damage.

Harriet: What is it, sir?

Ironwood: Qrow and Robyn. They're in the academy hangar.

Vine: Trying to stop the payload.

Ironwood: Or just looking for a way out.

Harriet: Not going to happen. I've been waiting to take my shot at those two. Let's go, Ace Ops.

Elm: But someone needs to stay here with the General.

Winter: I'll stay. We lose the payload, we lose our leverage.

Ironwood: She's right. Contain it. Now.

Harriet, Elm, and Vine leave to follow orders to take down Qrow and Robyn to stop them from intervening with the payload.

Winter: Sir, this course of action-

Ironwood: I hope you are not going to try and talk me out of it.

Winter: No, sir. I don't think that's-

Penny came flying in and she landed on the ground as she saw General Ironwood and Winter waiting for her.

Ironwood: I didn't think you'd actually come alone. I expected at least some resistance from your friends.

Penny: I don't want anyone else to die. I must open the vault.

Ironwood: (touches Penny's shoulder) You've done the right thing.

Penny transforms into Emerald. As Jane, Rin, Nora, Pyrrha, and Oscar appeared which shocked General Ironwood as he realized he had been deceived

Emerald: I have? Feels weird.

Emerald kicks General Ironwood on the face and they start their fight together against General Ironwood. Jane ran in and she swung her sword at General Ironwood but he grabbed Jane's sword and tried to punch her but she quickly blocked it with her shield. Oscar jumps in and attacks General Ironwood as he gets hit on the face but he punches Oscar in the stomach and upper cuts him.

Rin hooks onto General Ironwood's ankles and drags him down. But General Ironwood unhooks himself and charges at Rin. General Ironwood looks up to see Nora in the sky as Winter was supporting her with her glyph. Nora flew towards General Ironwood and hits him on the face with her hammer. Pyrrha threw her shield at General Ironwood's chest and it knocked him down.

Winter summoned her ice monster as General Ironwood stopped it and smashed it to the ground. But Winter and Oscar got behind General Ironwood and he was hit by ice. Winter used her glyph to boost Oscar in the air and he pierced General Ironwood multiple times as he was pushed back.

Oscar swung his cane but General Ironwood catches it. Pyrrha appears behind General Ironwood as Winter appeared in front of him. The two both slashed their swords at him and he dropped to the ground.

Winter: Move on to Phase 2.

Jane, Pyrrha, Nora, Rin, and Emerald ran inside to move onto the next phase.

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