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(Special Chapter in Haven after the battle.)

Y/N sleeps in his bed as he wakes up. He hears arguing outside of his room and he opens the door to see Team RWBY arguing.

Y/N: Why are you guys arguing so early in the morning?

Yang: We're arguing who gets to spend the day with you.

Y/N: Me?

RWBY: Yes! (Qrow appears in the hallway looking at the girls)

Qrow: Why don't you girls just take turns.

Y/N: What?!

The girls look at each other and decides to do rock paper scissors. As they finish rock paper scissors. First is Weiss, Ruby, Yang, and Blake.

Weiss: Yes! I'm first!

Ruby: I'm fine with second.

Yang: Same with me.

Y/N looks at Blake as she's not happy with being fourth and Y/N thinks of an idea that will make her happy.

Y/N: Hey, Blake. I have something for you.

Blake: What is it?

Y/N quickly pecks her on the cheek with his lips as she stands there blushing realizing what he did. The girls then give him a death glare.

Y/N: Uh... don't worry you'll all get something special from me I swear.

Weiss, Ruby, & Yang: We better!

The girls head to their rooms to decide on what their date should be. Y/N sits and waits until he sees Weiss coming from the kitchen with a basket.

Weiss: Let's go, Y/N.

Y/N: Where are we going?

Weiss: On a picnic.

Y/N: Okay!


Weiss: Hmm. This is a good spot.

Y/N: Okay.

Y/N and Weiss sit on the ground together as Weiss opens the basket to see the sandwiches inside and Y/N was impressed.

Y/N: Did you make these?

Weiss: Yep!

Y/N: Wow...

Weiss: What? Surprised?

Y/N: Yeah. I never expected you to make these.

Weiss: Rude. I cooked in the kitchen at my house even though my family had Klein to cook.

Y/N: Who's, Klein?

Weiss: My butler.

Y/N: Oh.

Weiss: Well, enough of that. (grabs a sandwich) Here say, "AH"!

Y/N: (blushes) A-AH!

Weiss puts the sandwich in his mouth and he takes a bite and was surprised to taste the sandwich since it was pretty good. But he didn't know what Weiss used to make the sandwiches.

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