After Y/N and the girls witnessed something very shocking. They all quickly ran out of the mushroom and ran away with the Curious Cat.
Curious Cat: I'm still glad that the eight of you are still the eight of you. Not always the case in the Ever-After.
Weiss: You're the one who ditched us in the first place. Which by the way was how we ended up in that mushroom house to begin with. You know, or that delirious caterpillar guy trying to drug us. And then was swallowed up by a freaking hole in the ground.
Curious: Yes, yes. Alyx had a similar reaction the first time she saw someone return to the Ever-After. But it's not how it seems. Well, I suppose it is. But not the way you think. If you think like Alyx. Which it seems like you do. Ah, we're here.
As they followed the Curious Cat to a pond. They noticed that there was an island in the middle of the pond as there was a giant leaf pad next to them.
Curious Cat: Better run.
Y/N and Ruby quickly jumped onto the leaf pad with the Curious Cat and it started moving towards the island.
Yang: So, Cat, going to explain to us how a giant caterpillar disappearing into a hole isn't how it seems?
Curious Cat: Hmm... When we break or wear out and simply finish what we were made to do. We're called back. But Herb, his heart was too weak to listen, so I gave him a little bit of mine.
Blake: Is he dead?
Curious Cat: *chuckles* No. Well, maybe a little bit. But not at all.
Akari: Which is it?
Curious Cat: *clears throat* Now that Herb's been properly returned, he'll be fixed up nice and made to into the Herb he wanted to be when he was still Herb. Then he'll come back and find his purpose. Could be the same as before or maybe not.
Ruby: When Herb comes back, will he remember anything?
Curious Cat: *chuckles* What would be the point of that? Just like Alyx, you lot... I know, I know, where you're from things, die. But we're just not like you at all. We ascend. Herb will have a purpose again.
Weiss: That's impossible. Things have to die someday. Right?
Curious Cat: Goodness, no. Though, I suppose there is a creature... No, no, that's not something you talk about...
Y/N: Just like the King...
Neo (paper): That's probably why there wasn't a king.
Y/N: Yeah...
As they arrived to the island. They all got off the leaf pad and walked onto the platform to see a creature walking towards them to greet them with a tray of treats.
Curious Cat: It was all very sad... The Red King couldn't cope when he lost to Alyx. A crying mess. Thankfully, he was called back and fixed up and now he's the prince, you met.
Ruby: Fixed up? The Prince was worse.
Curious Cat: The prince isn't supposed to be nice. He's meant to play the game and win no matter what.
Blake: So, that's why he cheats when the Red King didn't. But that still doesn't explain why the Red Prince was so much meaner.
Curious Cat: Well, the Prince may not remember Alyx's deception after ascending. The heart very rarely forgets.
Blake: But there was nothing about ascension in the story.
Y/N: Well, if you think about it... We're in a sequel remember. So, the story changes from the original since Alyx didn't encounter these things when she was here. But we are.

RWBY Harem x Male Reader
FanfictionA 14 year old Fox Faunus who is attending to Beacon with girls that he will meet along the way in his Journey. So Enjoy the Harem! P.S. I don't own RWBY it all belongs to RoosterTeeth so please don't sue me I'm really poor. Also if anybody made thi...