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Y/N lands on the ground and transforms into the Nine Tail Knight and protects them with all of his might. He sees Robyn and General Ironwood together as he starts telling the truth to all of the citizens.

Y/N: He's doing it?

He then hears a woman screaming in the distance and he quickly dashes and saves the woman. She then quickly runs to the transport as it lands in front of them. General Ironwood walks into his office as he sees something and quickly calls Winter.

Ironwood: Schnee?

Winter (earpiece): Yes sir?

Ironwood: Was anyone caught trying to enter in the school grounds while I was away?

Winter (earpiece): N-No.

Ironwood: Are you sure? (Winter quickly runs as Cinder watches her from the top of the building)

Cinder: Still afraid I see now show me where you've been hiding her.

Ruby and the group all enter the airship as they leave Mantle and they all head back to the Academy and they enter in his office.

Harriet: General Ironwood?

Ironwood: We have made a critical error.

He sets down a black chess piece on his desk and he continues to stare at it as he knew there was something that was going to happen soon.

Ironwood: The black queen was the symbol Salem showed us before we lost everything. Her way of telling us she was inside that it was too late. We stopped Watts, we stopped Callows, but someone was here. They put this in my office to tell me that it-- what if Mantle was just a distraction what if it was just to draw so if the Academy to...

Weiss: Sir, it's going to be okay we've got Mantle on our side now and--

Ironwood: How do we know that wasn't a part of their plan? How do we know they didn't want us to bring people in Atlas by the thousands.

Vine: In trying to save everyone we left ourselves most vulnerable.

Ironwood: Salem, has been one step ahead of us this entire time! (slams his fist on his desk making it crack but Ruby looks at the chess piece)

Ruby: It's glass. Black glass this was Cinder.

Y/N: C-Cinder?

Yang: She's alive and she's here!

Ironwood: If Cinder's here then for all we know Hazel's here too!

Blake: Sir, this isn't over yet we're with you.

Ironwood: Are you with me?

Vine: Sir?

Y/N: Oh no.

Ironwood: How did Robyn know about the global communications project?

Yang: We told her, the night of the ambush.

Elm: You did what?!

Blake: We were trying to help!

Marrow: By going behind our backs?!

Harriet: Wait, does that mean you let her escape?

Yang: Robyn, is on our side! She always has been.

Ironwood: We didn't know that for sure!

Weiss: None of this matters right now!

Ironwood: LOYALTY ALWAYS MATTERS!!! (suddenly a red orb pops out of the bag & it speaks)

Salem's (voice): General Ironwood.

The orb cracks and it turns black as it falls to the ground and black smoke starts to come out of it as it showed Salem's face appearing from the smoke.

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