Qrow's Advice

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Y/N, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and Blake sit in the seats to watch the next match. The screen shows the matchup "Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black vs. Coco Adel and Yatsuhashi Daichi".

Port: The randomization process is complete! Ladies and gentlemen, your Doubles Tournament line-up!

Ruby & Yang: Woooo!

Nora: Yeah!

Neptune & Sun: Woohoohoo! (the rest of the Colosseum cheers for the next matchup)

Port: Emerald and Mercury of Haven! Versus! Coco and Yatsuhashi of Beacon!

Velvet: Good luck you two!

The arena turns into four different stages. One area was a forest, a destroyed city, a savanna grassland, and the last is a rocky area with blue crystals.

Coco: Hey... (looks at Emerald) Love the outfit kid.

Emerald: I'll try not to get blood on it.

Yatsuhashi: I can't promise you'll leave without a scratch.

Emerald: I won't be the one bleeding.

Coco: Oh, I like her!

Port: Three, two, one, begin!

Emerald and Mercury slowly walk back into the tall grass. Coco and Yatsuhashi looks at each other, and Coco gets her minigun and shoots through the tall grass. Some bullets fly to the crowd, but the barrier protects them. Coco and Yatsuhashi look at each other in confusion, then Blake calls out to them.

Blake: Look out!

Mercury comes flying in to kick Coco, but Yatsuhashi moves her out of the way and blocks the kick. Coco tries to shoot Mercury, but he moves to fast.

Sun: He's good.

Scarlet: Yeah, but where's the girl?

Mercury is basically fighting them both, and is winning. He starts spinning and sends each explosion toward the two making a smoke cloud. While they're distracted, he gets behind them and kicks both of them, temporarily taking out Coco.

Y/N: (smiles with excitement) He's good. (a chain comes out of the forest & pulls Coco into the forest)

Yatsuhashi: Coco!

While Yatsuhashi was distracted, Mercury kicks him in the back. Yatsuhashi grabs him and throw him toward the geysers. Yatsuhashi jumps up and strikes downward, but Mercury blocks the attack creating a shockwave around them. Mercury knocks down Yatsuhashi making his head land on the geyser. The geyser hits Yatsuhashi as he gets up all wobbly. Before he knows what happened, Mercury finishes him off with a final kick. Meanwhile in the forest, Coco hits a tree and breaks her sunglasses on impact.

Coco: I take it back... I don't like her.

Then she dodges a shot from Emerald, and response with her own hail of bullets. Emerald would continue to go through the trees, but disappears behind one.

Coco: Damn!

Yatsuhashi: Coco!

Coco: Watch out she's in the trees. (the loud buzzer sounds through the whole Colosseum)

Port: (over the intercom) Oh, and with that final blow, Yatsuhashi is eliminated!

Coco: What?!

Coco turns around to see Yatsuhashi gone and she starts to get nervous. She continues to keep aiming her minigun at the trees waiting for movement, but nothing.

Coco: Damn!

Coco turns around to see Emerald. And with one hit she goes flying out of the forest landing next to Yatushashi as they were defeated.

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