Unforgettable Sight

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After the fight in the cave. Y/N slowly woke up to see that he was chained up onto the air. He even looked around to notice that the plan had worked.

Akari's (voice): Y/N, you okay?

Y/N: Yeah. First part of the plan worked. Now, time for the second.

Kyuubi's (voice): I can't believe you wanted to do this.

Y/N: Hey, it was the only way to get close to steal the Relic of Choice.

(Flashback From Last Chapter)

Raven: All right... I'll help. Are you gonna call anyone else to help?

Y/N: Nope, it's just gonna be the two of us.

Raven: What? What's your plan?

Y/N: Well, my plan is to lose on purpose.

Raven: Are you crazy?

Y/N: Well, hear me out first before you get angry.

Raven: *sighs* All right...

Y/N: This is the only way since I want to steal the Relic of Choice from Salem and use it to our advantage.

Raven: So, meaning you want me to betray you somehow so that Cinder can take you as a prisoner.

Y/N: That's right. I just have to do something to make you upset at me.

Raven: *sighs* I wonder how you're gonna do that.

Y/N: Don't worry. Tai taught me something that might make women angry. I kind of hope it works.

(End of Flashback)

Akari's (voice): Well, you found a way to make her angry. Although that was pretty gutsy of you to do that.

Kyuubi's (voice): Your own girlfriend's mother.

Y/N: That was an accident. I didn't mean to do that on purpose. But they really are mother and daughter.

Akari's (voice): In what comparison...?

Y/N: (face blushes) Y-You know what I mean...

???: Well, well, it seems that you're awake.

Y/N could feel the aura from before as it was Salem that walked into the cell. She had a smile on her face and she grabbed Y/N's chin closely looking at him. While Cinder was standing behind Salem.

Salem: The one thing I like about you is that fiery look in your eyes and how you never give up. Shame, that you weren't my ally. Oh, well, I'm pretty sure Ozpin will be upset that I have you as my prisoner. But maybe that'll make him come save you. (grabs Y/N by the neck) However, just staring at you just pisses me off so much I want to snap your neck. But that's gonna have to wait. Now if you'll excuse me I have inportant things to attend to. (walks out of the room)

Y/N: (sees Cinder still standing there) Cinder, why do you even follow her? You know what she's doing isn't what you want.

Cinder: And what would you know what I want? You know nothing about me.

Y/N: You don't know a lot about me either but yet you always wanted me to be yours. However, you staying by her side will get you killed and you know that. Why do you follow her?

Cinder: Because... without her I am nothing.

Y/N: Why would you even say that about yourself?

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