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Y/N and Team RWBY continue to watch the tournament. The four people that are fighting are Penny and her partner and two of Cardin's teammates. Penny throws multiple swords at both of them, trapping them behind rocks. Penny lifts up the rocks, as two of Cardin's teammates hang on for their lives. She smashes the two rocks to the ground knocking out both opponents. The buzzer sounds signaling the end of the match.

Oobleck (intercom): And victory goes to Penny and Ciel of Atlas.

Penny: Thank you for a wonderful time. (Ruby & Y/N gets up from their seats to go congratulate Penny)

Ruby: Penny!

Penny: Ruby! (Penny runs & tackles Ruby to the ground with a big hug)

Ruby: *groans* Why... (Y/N laughs at Ruby as they both get up from the ground)

Penny: Ruby, this is my teammate.

Ciel: Ciel Soleil.

Ruby: Hi! I'm Ru--

Ciel: Ruby Rose, 15. Hails from Patch. Leader of Team RWBY, status questionable.

Ruby: So... Penny, you two were incredible out there. How do you keep control of all those swords it's so cool.

Ciel: Penny, I believe it is best if we move on to our next location.

Penny: Could we have just a minute to talk?

Ciel takes a step back and stares at her watch counting down.

Ruby: So, is she... your friend or?

Penny: Well, in a way, she's like Blake, but if Blake was ordered to spend time with you.

Ruby: Oh, so Weiss.

Penny: Precisely!

Ruby: Does she know about you know, beep-boop-bop does not compute?

Penny: Oh no, General Ironwood doesn't really want anyone to know. There was an incident with a magnet, but I was able to play it off. (they both laugh) Ruby, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about. (looks back at Ciel) I want to stay at Beacon.

Ruby: Penny, they'll never let you do that.

Penny: I know but I have a plan.

Ciel: It's been precisely one minute ma'am.

Penny: I'll talk to you more soon Ruby!

Y/N: Bye Penny!

Penny: Aww. (hugs Y/N) I'll see you later little guy. (Penny lets Y/N go as Ruby & Penny wave to each other as Penny & Ciel walk away)

Port: Our next match will begin in fifteen minutes!

Y/N: We gotta hurry!

Ruby and Y/N quickly run to their seats and watch the match to start with Blake.

(15 minutes later)

Yang: Welp, now it's our turn!

Weiss: Just remember to keep proper form.

Yang: *sighs* Alright. You're from Atlas. What can we expect?

Weiss: Well, seeing as their kingdom, academy, and armed forces are all merged as one, I think we can expect strict, militant fighters with advanced technology and carefully rehearsed strategies.

A girl goes past them and stops next to her partner. One on the left is a guy wearing a class outfit and a fedora while holding a trumpet. The other is a red-haired girl with big pigtails, a rainbow-themed outfit and roller skates, and she was holding nunchucks.

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