Chapter 1: Your Mission

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    "Whats the mission?" You asked. Thor scratched the back of his neck and hesitated before responding,

"We both need to supervise Loki on Midgard while he makes amends with the Avengers and clears his name." He told you. You groaned dramatically and rolled over so your face was buried in your pillow.

   "When do we leave?" Your voice was muffled but Thor still managed to understand.

"We leave tomorrow and we're staying for an indefinite amount of time."

    "Knowing Loki we'll probably be there for the rest of our miserable lives." You whined.

   "I'll meet you in the throne room tomorrow when its time to leave." Thor bid you and walked away.

    "This is for Asgard." You told your reflection and went to pack a bag for things you thought Midgard wouldn't have.


    You and Thor stood on either side of the throne as Odin rested comfortably in it. Frigga stood closer to the entrance so she could be the first to talk to Loki.

    Two guards held the thick heavy chains that were cuffed on Loki's neck, wrists and ankles as he slowly approached the throne.

    Despite your on going rivalry with him, you still missed him. As he spoke with his mother, your mind wandered and thought of what would've happened if you remained friends.

   "Hello princess." Loki's sour tone greeted you.

"I'm not a princess." You replied bitterly.

   "Might as well be, it seems that you've taken my place." You scoffed and grabbed the chains from the guards.

"C'mon, Thor." You ordered. Thor followed behind you like a golden retriever as you dragged Loki.

    "Good morning Lady Y/n, princes." Heimdall greeted you.

"Good morning." You replied sweetly. You huddled up next to Thor in preparation for the bifrost.

The rainbow shimmer encased you and your feet slowly left the ground. A sick feeling came to the pit of your stomach and before you knew it, you were back on solid ground.

"Wow, this place is beautiful!" You exclaimed and spun around to face the strange city around you. The shiny silver buildings towered and stretched for miles.

A group of midgardians exited a door on the corned of the surface you were standing on.

"Loki, Y/n, these are the Avengers, my friends." Thor introduced you.

"Hi! I've heard so much about you guys." You exclaimed.

"We've heard a lot about you as well, Thor never shuts up about Asgard." A man with strange looking facial hair told you.

"I'm Steve, they're Wanda and Pietro, thats Tony, and theres Bucky. The rest of the team is inside."

"Yeah lets show you around the tower, introduce you to everyone else and get you settled in." Tony replied.

"So are you a god of something like those two meatheads?" Tony asked you when you got inside of the small metal room.

"I'm the goddess of the elements and plants." You replied.

"Thats rad, are you a princess, princessa?" Pietro questioned, leaning closer to you.

"I'm not, but I'm a friend of the royal family." You replied.

"She's a monster." Loki muttered.

"Shut it you snake." You hissed and slapped a metal muzzle over his mouth.

"Brother, your theory is insane and it has no evidence." Thor defended you. You let out a brief sigh of relied when the doors of the room opened into a much bigger space. The group of humans looked at each other confused.

When no one was looking you turned to Loki and gave him a pleading look. Him and Frigga were the only ones who knew about your heritage and you intended to keep it that way. He rolled his eyes and motioned to his chains and muzzle.

"Fine." You whispered and approached him to remove his restraints.

"You better not stab me in the back, its getting old." You told him firmly.

   "You should start talking to me more respectfully m'lady, I am a prince after all." He said after adjusting his jaw.

"Its so princely of you to betray your best friend." You bitterly responded.

   "Come Y/n and Loki, I'm going to take you to your rooms." Thor announced from the kitchen island.

"Behave or I'll hang you with vines." You threatened. He flashed you a devilish smile and followed closely behind you.

   "Hold on, I have a special little gift for Reindeer Games." Tony said. He skipped over to Loki and slapped a silver cuff around his wrist.

"What is this atrocity?" Loki asked, disgusted.

    "Its to restrict your powers, Horns. I used to have one." Wanda sighed. Loki scoffed at everyone's amusement before following you and Thor up the stairs.


"This is your room, it's not as big as the your room at home but I'm sure you don't mind." Thor told you. He turned the silver handle and pushed the white wooden door open, revealing a gorgeous room decorated all in cream.

"You can of course decorate it any way you want." He assured you.


Oli <3

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Oli <3

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